Maybe I'm in...

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"Harry! Harry!" I yell, slapping his cheeks. Harry's head lies in my lap, he's fully covered in blood and he's not breathing. His whole body is limp, like a rag doll. Tears are streaming down my face and honestly, I don't know what to do.
"Harry, please say something. Open your eyes." I cry, shaking his whole body. Please Harry, please; just wake up. I put my head on his chest, crying. Harry can't die, he can't. All of a sudden, I bend my head over his and crash my lips with his. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I have a strong feeling it will surely help. As I lift my head up again, Harry inhales some air and coughs.
"Harry!" I yell, hugging him.
"Bells," he mutters. Honestly, if my head wasn't near his ear, I wouldn't have heard him. I wouldn't even have seen his lips move.
"Yeah Harry? I'm right here, don't worry." I say, tears of joy, streaming down my soaked face.
"I thought you would've left me." He mutters, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Shhh...don't speak too much. You're exhausted." I say, stroking his cheek, with my thumb.
"Baby girl, you shouldn't be here." A gruff voice says from behind me. I turn back to see four men standing, with weapons in their hands.
"No," Harry mutters.
"Don't worry, you lie right here. I'll just be back." I say, slowly putting his head on the ground.
"Don't- they'll kill you." He manages to say, holding my hand.
"Don't worry." I say, taking my hand out of his weak grip. I slowly sit up, both of my hands near my boots. As I hear footsteps approaching, I grab two knives in each hand and turn around; and throw them. Each knife hits a different person. But, two people get hit on their legs. I quickly grab two more and fling them towards their hearts. Bullseye! All four of the men fall on the ground, probably dead. I quickly crouch next to Harry, again.
"Wow," he says.
"I have hidden talents, Styles." I say, smiling. Harry smiles, as well. But, every movement he makes seems painful.
"Where are the guys? They didn't send you hear alone, did they?" He asks, a little loudly, than before.
"No, they're all upstairs. Though, I got to say, they're horrible at surprise attacks." I chuckle, pushing some of Harry's curls back.
"Bella, did you find him?" Louis yells, from upstairs.
"Yeah, we're downstairs!" I yell back. Louis quickly descends the stairs, crouching down next to me.
"Harry, what happened?" He asks and I've got to admit he looks very angry.
"Louis this isn't the time to ask such stupid questions. Let's get him out of here and to a hospital."
"Right, sorry. You grab him from there, I'll carry him from here." Louis says, grabbing Harry's left arm. Slowly, we put his arms over our shoulders and drag his weight upstairs. I keep sneaking glances at Harry and from his expression, I know he's in pain. I'm pretty sure he's shot, as well. As we enter the balcony, all the boys see us. Niall, immediately comes to our assistance and frees me of Harry's weight.
"Guys let's get him to a hospital, fast!" I say, moving people out of the way. Niall and Louis bring Harry downstairs, walking slowly.
"No, we can't take him to a hospital. We'll have to take him home and get to work, immediately." Liam says, opening the door for them, as we exit the club.
"Bella, Bella." Harry keeps mumbling, even though his eyes are half shut.
"I'm right here, Harry. Calm down." I say, sliding the door for them, to put Harry in.
"Bella, you sit next to Harry. He needs you now." Louis says, lying Harry down on the seat.
"Okay!" I say, quickly getting in, next to Harry. Liam and Niall sit in the front and Zayn and Louis, sit at the back.
"Harry it'll all be okay, just stay with me." I say, stroking Harry's cheek. My other hand is in his, he too is stroking it, with his thumb.
"Bells, why're you still here? Why are you being so nice?" He asks me, his voice very low.
"Shhh...we'll talk about this at home." Harry doesn't say anything after that and it gives me time to think. Why am I doing this? Harry has given me nothing , but pain. Yet, I'm here helping him out, when he's in need. Why? Maybe, I'm in...

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now