I've got to save the day!

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"You stay right here, okay?" Liam asks me. When I nod, he follows the boys into the crowd of dancing people. Great, so they brought me on a rescue mission and they don't even include me in the best part; saving Harry. I walk over to the bar, and sit down on one of the bar stools.
"Can I get anything for you?" The bartender asks me.
"A bottle of Corona, please." I say. After all, if I'm sitting here, doing nothing, I might as well.
"Coming right up!" He says, and walks away. I look around, trying to find the boys. Zayn and Louis are making their way up the metal stairs. Honestly, they're not very sneaky. Liam and Niall are standing at the foot of the stairs, looking like idiots. Though they are trying to act cool, they are failing horribly.
"Here's your beer, ma'am." The bartender says, handing me my beer bottle.
"Excuse me, do you know those men up there?" I ask him, pointing towards the balcony.
"Those men, huh? Of course, I do; who doesn't? They come here every Friday night and hang around with girls. In fact, the boss takes a different girl every Friday." The bartender says, before walking off to serve someone. A different girl every Friday, huh? I look around again, seeing that Zayn and Louis have made their way upstairs. Liam and Niall are still standing near the stairs, looking around. I turn my gaze towards Zayn and Louis, again. The sight I see isn't what I expected. Zayn and Louis are being held by two guys, and two others are pointing guns to their heads. Apparently, Liam and Niall have also noticed the mess upstairs, because they have started ascending the stairs. But Braga's men are better than them, for a very small fight takes place; before Liam and Niall are held hostage, as well. Great, now they need saving too!
I think about what the bartender told me. Braga, takes a new girl home every Friday. Maybe today, I can be that girl. Thinking my plan through, I start ascending the stairs. As I reach the top, a man comes and stands in front of me.
"What do you want?" He asks me, in a gruff voice.
"I was just hanging around with some friends, when I noticed that handsome man there." I say, pointing towards, who I presume is Braga. Honestly, I don't think they'll buy it, because Braga isn't handsome at all. But it's still worth a try.
"Let her come!" A voice yells, from behind the man. He moves to one side, letting me pass. Well, I guess Braga hasn't seen a mirror in a while. I walk over to him, trying my best to look sexy and take a seat next to him.
"What do you want baby girl?" He asks me, stroking my cheek, with his thumb. I feel like gagging right now, but control myself, for the sake of my friends and Harry.
"What do you think?" I say, leaning closer to him. I quickly look over at Liam and he looks shocked. I guess I'm a pretty good actress, huh? I slowly take my left hand, down my thigh, towards my boot. Braga's hand is slowly trailing down my neck and as he's about to go too far; I yank a knife out of my boot and hold it to his throat.
"No body move!" I yell, pushing the knife slightly into his throat. "Release them!" I yell, pointing towards my four friends.
"We're not afraid of you!" Somebody yells.
"Really, well I guess you don't care about your boss, then." Saying that, I push the knife into Braga's throat, drawing a little blood.
"Just listen to her!" Braga yells, his eyes shut with fear. The four guys who are holding Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis hostage, leave them.
"Drop your guns and move back!" I yell. Slowly, the guys who are holding the guns, drop them and move back. Liam and Niall grab the guns, while Zayn and Louis start thrashing some guys.
"Bella, go find Harry! He's on this floor somewhere!" Louis yells, when ten guys are dead. I nod and release Braga, running towards the first door. I don't know why, but I'm worried sick about Harry. He could be dead by now, for all I know. After trying three or four doors, I decide that he's not in these rooms. As I look around, I notice that there's a trap door underneath me. Immediately, I yank it open and descend the stairs. Since, there are no lights here, I have to look around for the switch first. Once it's on, I notice another door, in the far corner. I run towards it and inside it lays the person I've been dying to see. Harry's lying on his back, his whole body covered in blood. As I sit on the floor, taking his head in my lap; I notice something. Harry's not breathing!

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now