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"Where is he?" I ask her, excited. My eyes search the perimeter of the beach for any sign of him, but I can't see him.
"He walked towards the towel shack. Come on, let's go." Kim says, getting out of the water. I follow her.
"Go, catch up with him. I'll get our shoes and towels." Kim smiles and runs towards the towel shack. She has this new energy and I'm loving it. I wish someone would love me like Shawn loves Kim. Their relationship is so strong. I wish I had some connections to my family as well. I grab the towels, and Kim's shoes. I wear my own, and start to make my way towards the towel shack. Sure enough, Kim is standing in front of the towel shack, hugging Shawn. They both look so engrossed in the hug that I have double thoughts on approaching them. Suddenly, Shawn tilts his head towards me and sees me.
"Bella!" He exclaims, pulling away from Kim. He jogs over to me, and hugs me.
"It's so good to see you." I say, wrapping my arms around him. It feels so good to get a genuine hug after so long. Harry's love and affection was nothing but a facade.
"I was so worried about you guys." Shawn says, as I pull away. I hand Kim her shoes, smiling she puts them on.
"Thanks. You didn't need to worry. Bella, is such an amazing friend."
"That's not the case. We both were fine because we had each other." I shrug my shoulders, and Shawn smiles at us fondly.
"I'm so glad. So, where are you guys living?" He looks around the hotel. "I'm sure you guys can't afford such a fancy hotel." Kim and I look at each other and smile.
"Yes, we can. Thanks to Bella," Kim says. Shawn's mouth is wide open and I want to shut it. A fly might go in.
"Really?" He asks me, bewildered.
"Yeah. I took a lot of money from the hotel."
"Come on, let's go back to our suite." Kim says, leading the way.
"You guys have a suite?" I laugh at Shawn's shocked face. The poor guy seems like he's going to pass out at any moment. I nod my head, and his mouth falls open, again.
"Shawn, act cool." Kim says, laughing.
"I'm sorry, but I can't believe all of this," he waves his hand in the air. "It's so...awesome!"
"Get a grip." Kim rolls her eyes, but I know she's enjoying this. Shawn looks like a little child who just got his favorite toy and he can't believe it.
"Feel free to grab anything from the fridge. Make yourself comfortable." I say, as soon as we enter the suite. Shawn nods his head, smiling.
"Kim, I'm going to lie down for a bit."
"Okay." She looks over at Shawn. "He hasn't seen anything like this before. It's magical to him."
"Yeah, I can tell." I enter my room, and lock the door behind me. I change into a pair of jeans, and a tank top. Even though the swim was short, it was refreshing. Shawn's arrival has changed everything as well. I don't know why, though. I walk over to the floor length windows, and open the curtains. The view is so nice from up here. Even though I can mostly see buildings. It's nice to see the people walking around, and having fun. Suddenly, my eyes land on Harry. He's sitting on a bench, looking straight at me! Immediately, I step back and close the curtains. I'm sure he saw me. He was looking right at me. There's only one word that's rotating around in my head; run!

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now