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Harry's POV
I quickly jump up and reach for Belle. But, she's not there!
"Lou, where's Belle?" I ask, frantically looking around the room.
"Relax! She's downstairs, making breakfast." He says, exiting the room. Why did Bella have to exit the room? Couldn't she have stayed put? I just hope she hasn't met my mother, yet. What am I saying, of course she has. I put on a better shirt, and run downstairs. Niall is in the kitchen, with Belle and the others are nowhere to be found.
"Good morning!" She says, smiling. Quite a few plates are laid out, with different items on each. One holds waffles, the other holds pancakes, muffins, cookies and omelette.
"Hey, babe. What's all this?" I ask her, gesturing towards the plates.
"Breakfast, for all of us."
"Why so much?"
"Well, I kind of have to impress my mother-in-law, right?" She asks me, flipping a pancake.
"Did you meet her?" I ask her, nervously. Please say no, please say no.
"Of course, I did! And she's lovely. Now I know where your charms come from."
"I know I'm sorry." I say, but then realize what Bella just told me. She thinks my mother's lovely. That means she mustn't have noticed the wedding ring.
"Does she know about the..." I trail off, looking at Bell's hand and then Niall. He shakes head, and walks out of the kitchen. So she doesn't know about our engagement, great.
"Harry help me carry these plates out." Bella says, as she walks out with four plates. Wow, she has good balance. She's holding two plates in her hands, and two are resting on her arms. I hold two, careful not to drop them. I know Bella has put a lot of effort into this breakfast. She leads me into the lounge and sets them down onto the coffee table. I search the room for my mother, but she's not here.
"Where's mom-" I start. But, I'm interrupted by a squeal.
"Harry! It's been so long since I saw you. Come here!" My mom says, rushing over to me. Before I have time to respond, she hugs me.
"Hi!" I say, trying to pull out of her tight hug. I can see the others grinning and Bella is trying to hold her giggles. I must look so helpless, wrapped in her arms. "You can let me go now!"
"Don't be silly! It's been so long, since I saw you. I am not letting you go so easily." My mother says, squeezing harder. Finally, after five or more minutes, she let's me go.
"Let's eat, shall we?" Bella asks us, sitting down with a plate in hand. Niall and the others have started eating. My mom takes a plate and so do I. Once we've both settled down, she starts talking.
"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." I look at Bella and see her confused expression. I sheepishly grin at her, not knowing what to say.
"Mom, she not my-" I start. But, I'm interrupted, again.
"But lovely choice, I must say. She's an amazing girl, Harry. I love her, already."
"Mom, she's not my girlfriend." I manage to say quickly.
"Really? But, she came out of your room Harry. She's living with you. Surely she isn't a friend. Please tell me I raised you better."
"It's not what you're thinking. She's my..." I trail off. Honestly, I don't know how she'll react to this.
"She's your what?"
"She's my fiancée." I say, not meeting her gaze. The room feels quiet all of a sudden. Maybe, a little too quiet.
"Congratulations! Why didn't you tell me before?" My mom says, getting up. She sets her plate on the coffee table and comes towards me and Belle. Oh no, not another hug. She pulls me into a tight embrace and once she's done with me; she does the same with Bella. "When are you getting married?" She asks us, holding our hands.
"We haven't thought about that, yet." Bella says, smiling. I know my mom is rushing things. I promised Bella, I wouldn't push this on her. But, my mom is definitely rushing things.
"Once you're engaged, you're married. Now we just need to tie the knot. So, when should we do it?" She asks, paying no attention to me.
"We're married, right? That's enough then!" I protest, looking at the boys for support.
"Yeah, exactly! They don't need to be married, so soon." Zayn says, as politely as he can.
"Nonsense! We need to make this official. After all, I want my grand kids calling me grandma, not great grandma. I'll call Des immediately and we'll decide the dates together. You guys are useless." She says, walking off towards the guest bedroom. Great! Just great! I turn to look at Bella, but she's not there.
"Where'd she go?" I yell, going towards the kitchen.
"She must've gone outside, for some fresh air. She needs space, Harry. Let her be." Louis says, holding my shoulder.
"No Lou, you don't understand. What if she abandons me, again? What if mom scared her away? She's sensitive and you know that."
"No, she won't! She loves you and you love her. That enough, right? She won't run, don't worry. She'll come back, give her some time." Louis says, and walks off. I guess he's right. This is being pushed on both of us. We didn't expect it, at all. I guess I'll give her some space. I need some time to digest this, as well. I walk up to my room and shut the door behind me.

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