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I grab my bag from the closet, and my clothes from the bed. Shoving them into the bag, I zip it up.
"We need to leave! Now!" I yell, entering the lounge. Shawn and Kim look at me as if I've grown a new pair of eyes.
"What happened?" Shawn says, getting up and walking towards me.
"Harry saw me. He could come up at any minute. We have to go!" Kim jumps off the couch, and rushes toward her room. In a minute, she's back with a bag.
"Let's go." She says, looking between Shawn and me. I lead the way towards the door, and they follow me.
"Where are we going?" Kim says, once we're in the elevator. Shawn shrugs his shoulders, and looks at me.
"I don't know. Our top priority is to get the hell out of here."
"Yeah, you're right." Shawn says, nodding his head. I think we should leave this city immediately. Harry knows we're taking shelter in hotels, and he won't give up until he finds us.
"Do you have your passport?" I ask Shawn.
"Yeah, I do. I grabbed some money and my other necessities when I went home after you guys escaped. I had a plan that the minute I find Kim, we'll leave the city."
"Let's do that. Let's catch a taxi, and go to the airport. We'll hop onto whichever flight has seats."
"Okay, but we need to get out of here as soon as we can." Shawn says, as soon as the elevator doors open. We step out onto the first floor, and my eyes glance around the area for any signs of Harry or his friends. They're not here.
"Let's checkout." I say, walking towards the reception desk. As I'm about to turn the corner, I spot Harry leaning against the reception desk. He's looking extremely mad, and impatient. When I stop, Kim and Shawn stop as well. I place my finger over my lips to make sure they don't make a sound.
"Harry's here," I whisper. Kim's eyes widen, and her hands latch onto Shawn's arm.
"It's okay." He tells her. "I'm here."
"I need the keys!" Harry yells, slamming his palm against the counter.
"Sir, I cannot give you the keys to all the hotel rooms. It's against our policy and you would be ruining our guests privacy." The receptionist says, adamantly. I think she's said the same thing a thousand times. She's the same girl who helped me before. I hope she stands her ground.
"I need them. Now!" I roll my eyes at Harry's harsh tone. He can't get his way everywhere.
"Let me talk to the manager. I'll be right back." She steps out from behind the desk, and starts to come our way. When she turns the corner, she holds my arm, and gently pulls me with her.
"You need to get out of here. There's an exit for the staff. It's near the taxi stand so you can catch one and leave." I thank my lucky stars.
"Thank you so much. I cannot describe how helpful you've been. Thank you." She smiles at me.
"You don't need to thank me. I'm simply doing the right thing. Anyone would've done this."
"Nobody would have," I murmur. She pushes a door, and we're in some sort of break room. She points toward another door.
"That's the exit. Please go!" I gesture for Shawn and Kim to follow me and they do so. As we're about to leave, I remember something.
"Go, and get a taxi. I'll be right behind you." Shawn looks hesitant, but then he nods and leads Kim outside.
"What happened?" She asks me, confusion clear on her face.
"I have to pay you. We just gave the advance payment." Saying this, I open the bag and take out a wad of money.
"Don't worry about it." I take her hand and place them on it.
"I have to do the right thing." She smiles at me.
"You're unique. I like you." She fishes in her pocket for something, and then she takes out a card. "Keep this, and call me at anytime. Bye." She exits the room, and so do I. Shawn and Kim are sitting in a taxi, with the door open.
"Come on." Shawn says, frantically. I rush over to the taxi and take a seat. Once I've shut the door, the driver speeds off.
"We're going to the airport, right?" I ask them, and they nod their head. I turn around in my seat, just to make sure nobody is following us. Thankfully, the coast is clear.
"Are you okay?" Shawn asks me. He's sitting on the middle seat. His eyes are filled with worry, and care.
"Yeah, I'm fine. This isn't the first time I'm running away from Harry." Sighing, I rest my head on the window. I'm so tired. I'm so tired of running from Harry. I'm so tired of life itself. Maybe, I should just end it. I would be free from all of this. Maybe it's time.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now