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My gaze falls on my phone again. Harry has been in the operation theater for the past hour, and I'm getting extremely anxious. I shake my right leg in impatience. I've been pondering if I should call the boys. I have Liam's number saved in my phone for some reason. Should I call him? He has the right to know. Nodding my head, I decide to call him.
"Hello." Liam's voice rings through my phone.
"Liam, it's me. Bella," I say.
"Yeah, I recognized your number. What happened between you and Harry? Have you seen him?" His voice is laced with anxiety.
"We broke up." I hear Liam inhale a deep breath, and I wait for him to deal with the shocking news. "He's undergoing surgery right now." This isn't the best way to tell him this news. But, right now, I'm not thinking straight.
"What?!" Liam yells. "Which hospital are you guys at? Why is he undergoing surgery?"
"We're at some hospital named 'Elizabeth'. It was the closest one."
"We're coming!" I hear Louis yell.
"Shut up! Let me speak, she called me." Liam scolds him. "My internet is not working. Can you tell me where it is?"
"Reservoir road, near the Science and Art museum."
"My phone's internet is working! I'll drive!" I hear Louis yell, yet again.
"Shut up!" Liam yells again. "Thanks, we'll be there in five minutes. It's pretty close to Harry's house." He ends the call, and I place my phone on my lap. People pass by me, some crying and some smiling. I wonder if I'll be leaving this hospital crying or smiling? I hope it's the latter. Why was Harry drinking and driving? Why doesn't he change his ways? Life would be easier for him and for me. The minutes that I spent pulling him out of his car, were the toughest minutes of my whole life. I kept thinking the car will explode, and I won't be able to pull him out. He'll be stuck inside, burning with the car. I feel two tears fall from my eyes, but I don't try to wipe them away. I want these to flow. It's better than keeping them in. I'm so tired. I don't want to love Harry, but I can't help myself. The more I try to run away from him, the more he pulls me in. It frustrates me. I want to yell, but I can't because I'm in a hospital.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Someone asks me. I lift my head from my hands to find a nurse standing in front of me. I shake my head, and more tears flow out. She places a hand on my shoulder.
"It's going to be okay. Who are you waiting for?"
"My...I don't even know that." For some reason, more tears come out. "Harry, got into an accident, and he's in the operation theater."
"Oh, so you're his wife?" She asks me. I look at her confused. "I'm helping out inside the operation theater. He keeps murmuring your name and my wife."
"Is he conscious?" I ask her, hopeful.
"No, he's under high sedatives. But, he's groaning occasionally, and murmuring those words."
"Will he be okay?"
"Do you want be to answer honestly?" I nod my head. "We don't know right now. He's lost a lot of blood, and he's hurt in a lot of places. He's going to be in there for a while."
"I just want him to heal. I want him to be safe." I murmur, placing my head back in my hands.
"He will be. Keep praying." She pats my shoulder, and I think I hear her walk away. I don't have the energy to look up.
"Bella!" I hear Liam yell. I look up to find him, and the boys rushing toward me. I get up the minute Liam reaches me. Liam's face is clouded with concern, and fear. I wrap my arms around him, and sob on his shoulder.
"Harry's..." I can't continue. My voice gets caught in my throat.
"It'll be okay. We're here. You're not alone." Liam comforts me. Soothingly, he strokes my head.
"Calm down, Bella. Harry's a fighter, he'll win this battle as well." Niall says, trying to sound cheerful. But, his voice cracks toward the end. I shake my head. I need to be realistic right now.
"Bella, he'll be fine." Liam whispers. They can say whatever the hell they want, but we all know the truth. If Harry lives through this, it'll be a miracle. I pull back, and take a seat. Niall sits down beside me, and sighs. I'm amazed at their strength. I'm amazed they're not sobbing like children. Like me.
"How long has he been in there?" Louis asks me, leaning against a wall. I try to speak, but my voice-box doesn't want to work with me. I raise one finger and Louis' lips purse together.
"When's he coming out?" I shake my head. The nurse didn't know that either. Liam sits down on my other side, and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
"Niall, can you please get Bella water?" Liam says, leaning forward to face Niall.
"Sure." Niall murmurs, and gets up. He's on the verge of tears, I know it. I don't think Louis and Liam will be able to handle two sobbing, broken people. I get up, deciding to make a quick trip to the restroom. Liam looks at me, worriedly. I raise my little finger in the air, and turn on my heel to head towards the ladies restroom.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang