The End Of The Day And A Surprise

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My eyes scan the room for an exit. My eyes land on an open window. I run towards it, and move the curtains. If I jump, I'll land on grass. It isn't too high, either. Making sure I'm holding the bag tightly, I put my left foot on the windowsill. I place my hands on either sides of the windowsill, and jump.
"Shit!" I murmur, as I land on the grass. Getting up, I brush myself off.
"Bella! Are you here?!" I hear Harry yell, from the room. I run towards the stairs that will lead to the beach. I don't know how I do it, but in less than five minutes, I'm in the hotel lobby. I rush out the door, and find Kim waiting right next to the taxi.
"Thank God, you're here." She says, sighing. "I saw Harry go in, but I didn't know what to do."
"Let's go! He might come out any minute." I say, opening the taxi door. "Step on it!" I tell the driver, when Kim and I are seated.
"Did he see you?" She asks me. Kim keeps turning around and looking if anyone is following us.
"No, I don't think so." I turn around as well. None of the cars seem to be following us.
"Where are we going?" The driver asks me. I don't know this place, but Kim probably does. I look at her for help. She tells the driver an address of a hotel, and he nods his head.
"This hotel is far away from here. We'll discuss the rest of the plan when we get there." I nod my head. I don't want this taxi driver to hear anything. I can't trust anyone.
"Ma'am, we're here." He says, turning around. I look over at the meter, and open the bag. I don't know for how long we've been travelling, but my leg is asleep. Once he's given me the change, I thank him, and step out.
"I'll check us in." I tell Kim as we enter the lobby. She nods her head, and walks over to a couch.
"How may I help you?" The receptionist says.
"Do you have any vacant rooms?" She nods her head. "Do you have a suite that's far away from here? Like on the beach?"
"Just a minute." She checks something on her screen, and nods. "We have a four room suite, near the beach."
"I would like to take that one."
"Passport?" I place my bag on the desk, and rummage through it to find my passport. When my hands wrap around the familiar book, I take it out and hand it to her. She opens it, and enters something into the computer screen. Once I've filled the other formalities, and payed a certain amount for advance, I take the key from her and walk over to Kim. She gets up the minute she sees me. I hand her one card, and keep the other.
"I've got us a four room suite. It's far from here so Harry won't be able to find us easily. He could look in all the rooms in the hotel, but he wouldn't think about going near the beach and looking for us."
"You're smart," she compliments me.
"We're here." I say, exiting the elevator. The receptionist told me the floor number, and where I have to go after that. Kim follows me through the corridors. I'm so happy we'll have our own space to think things through. I'm also very grateful to Harry for carrying so much cash. That's the only good thing he's done.
"This is it." I place my bag on the floor, and swipe the key. The door clicks open, and I gesture for Kim to enter. Picking up my bag, I follow suite. The suite's spacious, and decorated perfectly.
"I'm so happy you thought of this hotel. It's perfect." I place my bag on the kitchen counter, and walk over to the fridge. I'm so hungry. I grab a muffin, and bite into it. Forget the plate right now.
"Which room do you want?" Kim asks me, from somewhere in the suite.
"I can take any."
"You can take the master bedroom. I prefer a smaller room. It's cozier."
"Okay." I walk over to the couch, and take a seat. Grabbing the remote, I switch on the television. I flip through the channels, absentmindedly, until I come across a news channel. There's utter chaos. There's a fire, and many people outside It looks like Percy's restaurant.
"How did the place catch fire?" The news reporter asks a man. He was the bartender.
"I don't know. Percy, our boss, says a curtain caught fire. It must have spread." He shrugs his shoulders, and someone comes and wraps a blanket around his shoulders.
"We haven't seen the restaurant's boss at all. It is quite suspicious." I tune out as soon as I catch sight of Harry's car. He steps out of it, and runs toward another building. At least, he's nowhere near me.
"What's going on?" Kim asks me. She sits down beside me with a piece of cake.
"The restaurant caught fire. Percy is nowhere to be found, but he did cook up a lie." I turn the volume up for Kim. As I'm sitting here on the couch, I'm realizing how tired I am. It's been a long day. Who knew how much my life could change in a day? I went from having a loving husband to hating that same man.
"That's Harry!" Kim says, pointing at the television. I look up to find the same footage that I saw only minutes ago.
"Yeah. I wonder where he's going?"
"He's entering Percy's office building."
"What is he doing there?"
"I don't know. It should be locked right now." Suddenly, I realize something funny.
"How do you know Harry? How do you know his name?"
"You're married to him, aren't you?" I nod my head, but my expression must be pretty confused because Kim finds the need to explain further. "I saw your wedding band and his. I also saw the way you trusted him. It was pretty obvious."
"Oh," is all I can say. "So, how do you know him?"
"He was the one who kidnapped me, and I've been seeing him pretty often. You know the rest." I place my head on the armrest. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, they did. What more has Harry kept from me? What else will I learn about him tonight? I let out a frustrated laugh when I realize I married a complete stranger. I don't know him at all.
"I'm going to bed." I say, getting off the couch.
"Okay." Kim says, smiling. "Good night."
"Good night." I open the fridge to grab a water bottle, and a glass. As I'm about to enter a room, I realize my bag is still lying on the kitchen counter. My eyes quickly scan the rooms. One of them has Kim's sweater on the bed. I guess she chose the smallest room. I decide to take the master bedroom. It's the closet to the hall, and honestly, I like the floor-to-ceiling windows. Once I've placed the glass and water bottle on the bedside table, I go back outside to grab my bag.
"Please help us find her. I don't know how I'll live without her." I hear Harry's voice. I rush over to the living room. He's standing next to the reporter.
"What happened?" I ask Kim.
"They're putting up posters all over the city. They're looking for you."

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