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I follow Shawn, as he leads me to wherever Harry is. I don't believe him. The other guys could do that, but not Harry. He loves me. He wouldn't cheat.
"We're here." Shawn says, looking down a staircase. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nod my head, and grab the railing. I descend the stairs, not sure what I'll see downstairs. I can hear his boots clicking behind me.
"Why are you following me?"
"I can't leave you alone among those perverts. You need someone to protect you." I scoff at his reply.
"I can handle this on my own." The minute we near the end of the stairs, I hear shouting and hooting. It's dark at the bottom of the staircase.
"Where do we go after this?" I say, stopping. Shawn bumps into me, and I turn around, scowling.
"Don't look at me like that, you're the one that stopped abruptly." He has a point. "There's a door on your left." I walk over to my left side, and feel around for a door. Suddenly, my hand comes in contact with a wooden structure, and I try to find the doorknob. The minute my hand touches something cold, I grab it and turn it. A white, bright light floods the dark room, and I step into the room. There are three, four silver poles standing in the middle. Two girls are dancing around them, wearing skimpy clothes. I cringe at the sight, but step further into the room. Many chairs and sofas are placed haphazardly around the room, and a few men are sitting on a L-shaped sofa. All sorts of drinks are scattered on the table in front of them. Harry is among them. He's holding a glass of whisky, and he's looking at the dancing girls.
"Are you okay?" Shawn asks me, placing a hand on my shoulder. Percy hears us, and his eyes meet mine.
"Look who joined us!" He says, getting up. The others look up and smirk when they see me standing there with Shawn. Harry's eyes widen, and he seems taken aback for a minute, but he recovers quickly.
"Come, sit with us. Thank you for bringing her Shawn, you may go now." Percy says, waving his hand to dismiss Shawn.
"Sir, if you don't mind, I would like to sit for a while and enjoy the show." I turn around, shocked. "I have to stay with you." He whispers into my ear.
"Oh," I'm so relieved. For a second, I thought he was actually staying for his own pleasure.
"Get the hell away from her!" Harry yells, getting up. He places his glass on the table, and stumbles toward us. Harry grabs my waist, and pulls me closer to him. He places a hand underneath my chin, and moves my head toward his. I cringe, and try to move back when I smell the alcohol on his breath.
"You're drunk." I say, stating the obvious.
"No, I'm not. I hardly had anything. I'm still standing, aren't I?" I try to move back again, but he pulls me even closer.
"Let me go! I'm going back to the hotel." Harry disgusts me right now.
"Oh no, you're not going anywhere." Percy says, making Harry turn us around. "Harry, let us have some fun. Please?" His eyes wander over my body shamelessly.
"You're a sick bastard! Harry would never let you do that. You should be ashamed of yourself."
"I didn't hear Harry say anything." Percy says, smirking. I want to go over there and remove that smirk off his face by kicking him in the balls. I look over at Harry, and he's smirking at his friends.
"You're right! Let's have some fun." What?! I couldn't have heard him correctly.
"Yeah!" All the men hoot and scream.
"Get your hands off me!" I try my best to struggle out of Harry's grip, but it's useless.
"Come on, babe. Be a sport." I can't believe Harry is saying this. This is not the man who I married. I don't know this man at all.
"Let me go." I repeat, sternly. Harry pulls me closer, and I place my hands on his chest. I try my best to shove him, but my efforts are in vain.
"You'll either come the hard way or the easy way." Harry turns around, and pulls me behind him. I try my best to pry his fingers off my arm. When we reach the couch, Harry throws me to Percy. He catches me, and holds me in place with both of his hands.
"Let me go! You're hurting me." I'm going to have bruises tomorrow because of his strong grip.
"Babe, you chose the hard way." Harry says, taking a seat beside us. He pulls me by the hair onto his lap. My back hits his knee, and I groan in pain.
"Let her go!" Shawn says, walking toward us. He's finally come to his senses.
"Shawn, you can't speak to us like that." Percy says, shaking his head. "It's highly disrespectful, and you must be punished for such behavior." He looks over at a guard, and nods his head. The guard walks out of the room, and returns with a girl. She looks young, younger than me. She's wearing a short dress that barely covers her ass.
"Kim." Shawn murmurs, moving toward her.
"Stop right there." Percy says, getting up. Shawn stops when the guard squeezes Kim's arm, making her yelp in pain. Percy walks over to her and grabs her arm, pulling her behind him.
"Please, let her go. You've used her enough." Shawn pleads, as he helplessly watches Percy drag his own sister away from him.
"You don't get to decide that!" Harry yells. They're all sick bastards.
"Let's have some fun, shall we?" Percy says, looking between Kim, and I.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now