No Response

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One Year Later
"I'm home!" I yell, hanging my keys on the rack.
"I made dinner!" Shawn yells back.
"Okay! I'll change and come."
"Come fast, I'm dying of hunger." I take off my shoes, and place them near the front door.
"Did you get his medicines?" Kim asks me, coming out of the lounge.
"Yeah. The pharmacist didn't have the syrup though." I tell Kim as I hand her the bag.
"Shawn can get that tomorrow. Don't worry." Kim says, taking a swift glance inside the bag.
"I honestly don't know what I'd do without you." I'm so grateful to Kim and Shawn. I wouldn't have been able to handle Harry without them.
"I'll go meet him." I say as I rush up the stairs.
"Okay, but don't spend too much time talking. Two very hungry people are dying to have dinner." Kim says from behind me. Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath. No matter how many times I do it, it's always hard for me to see Harry in this condition. I turn the knob, and as usual, I'm met with the same sight. Everyday I come in here with a sliver of hope. But, there's no point in having that hope. It's useless. Harry is still dependent on the ventilator. He still has ten, fifteen tubes attached to his body.
"Hi." I greet him, even though I know I'll get no response.
"I had a lot of work today. So, I got late. As usual, Shawn and Kim refuse to have dinner without me. I kind of like their sweet gesture." I take off my shirt, and throw it in the laundry basket.
"This is the part where you make a cocky remark, and I flip you off." I look at Harry for any kind of a response. There's none as per usual.
"I don't even know why I bother to talk to you anymore. It's obvious you don't want to talk to me."
"Bella!" Kim yells from downstairs.
"Coming!" I yell back. Hastily, I pull on my shirt and pants, and rush downstairs.
"Finally!" Shawn says as soon as I enter the kitchen.
"Sorry, I was talking to Harry." I say as I take a seat. Kim passes me the bowl of spaghetti.
"Thank you." I say, smiling.
"Bella, we need to talk." Kim says, switching to serious mode in a second.
"About what?" I ask her.
"Harry." Kim's eyes search my face for any kind of reaction, but I keep it neutral.
"You need to take him off those machines. He'll be at peace."
"He's at peace right now." I say, grabbing the water bottle. "He's getting better." Shawn and Kim sigh together.
"No, he's not. The doctors have been saying the same thing for the past year. He's not getting better." Shawn says, placing his hand over mine. I shake my head.
"He is getting better. The doctors know nothing. I know he's getting better, trust me." I tell them.
"Bella, please. You know the truth deep in your heart." I shake my head again. Why are they saying all of these things today?
"One more word about Harry's condition, and I'm leaving." I say sternly. I'm sick of them arguing with me. Harry is absolutely fine, there's still a ray of hope.
"Sorry." Shawn and Kim mumble in unison. After this, we eat our dinner in silence. I help Kim to clear up, and Shawn goes to do some work. Tired with the day's events, I head upstairs after wishing Kim goodnight. As soon as I enter my room, I hear my phone ringing.
"Hello." I say as I head towards the bathroom.
"How is he?" Niall's voice fills my ear.
"Better. I thought you'd forgotten about him." I say, deciding to take a seat and end this conversation before heading to the bathroom.
"I'll never forget him, or you." Niall's voice sounds pained. "Liam, Louis and I had to go to Mexico for a deal, and Liam was always around. That's the only reason why I didn't call."
"Oh," I murmur. "How are you?"
"Good. Is he any better?"
"Yeah, I just told you."
"Give me an honest answer."
"He's not showing any response to the medicines." Sighing, I take a glance at Harry. He's as still as a statue.
"Bella, is this really worth it?" Why is everybody thinking this all of a sudden? They were fine till yesterday.
"Yes, it is." I say, adamantly. I hear Niall sigh.
"I'll try my best to come and visit as soon as possible." Niall says, even though I know that's nearly impossible.
"Yeah, we'll be waiting for you."
"I think Liam is back. I'll call you tomorrow." Niall says hastily, and then he hangs up.
"Bye." I say, even though he has hung up. I throw my phone on a sofa that is placed directly in front of my bed. I'm happy Niall called. I thought he had given up just like Liam. I still remember that day as if it happened yesterday. I remember when the doctor announced that Harry would be dependent on the ventilator. Liam got extremely mad, and he swore to never speak to Harry or anyone who helped Harry. Since I'm Harry's wife, the final decision of whether or not he will stay on the ventilator was mine. Of course, I said yes. I will never give up on Harry, no matter what everybody says. Therefore, Liam cut off all ties from me as well. Niall and Louis support my decision, but they can't express their decision in front of Liam. Niall had called me once in Liam's presence, and Liam lost it. He threw Niall's phone against the wall, and broke Niall's arm. I have no idea why they get so rough when they're fighting. Since then, Niall and Louis have been conversing with me secretly. I like it because I need all the support that I can get.
"You really need to get up, and help me out here." I say to Harry as I get up and head towards the bathroom. There's no response. Again.

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