Have Faith

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"Bella!" I hear Shawn call, but I can't seem to raise my head.
"Bella!" He calls again, and I really try this time. But, my head doesn't want to budge. Suddenly, warm, big hands wrap around my face, and my head is being raised. My eyes meet Shawn's, and he's looking at me with concern.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, slowly as if I'm a child.
"How would you feel if your wife was lying in a hospital, fighting for her life?" I ask him, even though my voice is barely audible. Shawn purses his lips and removes his hands from my face. My face falls back down as if it's made of rubber.
"Do you want to eat something?" He asks me. I shake my head. I'm so sick of this cycle. I'm sick of feeling as if I can die at any moment. I don't want to do this anymore.
"Bella!" I hear Niall's voice, and I feel a new rush of energy. I look up to find him running towards me, with Louis close behind his heels. I get up, and slam myself into Niall's chest. There's something about him that comforts me. I hold onto him as if my life depended on it.
"Bella, everything will be okay. Harry, will be fine." Niall says, passing his hand over my head. I shake my head, biting my lip to suppress my sobs.
"Bella, look at me." Niall says, placing his hands on my arms. He moves me back, and looks me straight in the eye. "Harry, will be okay. I promise you."
"How can you be so sure?" I ask him. My voice comes out hoarse.
"I know it, trust me." Suddenly, I remember Louis is standing next to Niall as well. He looks distraught.
"Are you okay?" I ask him. I'm being selfish. I'm thinking about myself and my pain, but I'm not realizing that other people are suffering as well.
"No." Louis murmurs, shaking his head. He has a bruise on his forehead, and his lip is cut.
"What happened?" I ask him, taking his face in my hands, and examining it.
"Liam." Niall says, matter-of-factly. Of course. Liam must have gotten mad, and Louis has a short temper.
"Take a seat. I'll get some ointment." I say, motioning for Louis to take a seat. He obliges, but he moves lazily as if all the energy has been sucked out of his body. A pained expression crosses Niall's face. Surprisingly, Niall is the strong one right now.
"We'll be back, okay?" Niall says. His tone sounds like he's talking to a child. Louis nods his head curtly.
"Come on." Niall says, taking my hand. He leads me through the hallways that have become like a second home to me. I see the same nurses, and doctors.
"Was it that bad?" I ask Niall. He looks at me, confused. "Liam's reaction? Was it that bad?" Niall sighs, and nods his head.
"He lost it. Liam was going to attack me, but Louis stepped in and got hurt instead. Currently, Liam is lying on the sofa, unconscious." Niall explains.
"Oh," I murmur. It's hard to believe Liam can be so rough, and ruthless. He used to be kind and gentle, but the day Harry went into a coma, something changed in him. It's as if some kind of a switch flipped off. That switch used to be the switch that made him a kind, and gentle person.
"He still cares, though. I know it." Niall says, interrupting my train of thoughts.
"Really? It's hard to believe." I say, and disbelief is clear in my voice.
"He does. Liam is not that bad." Niall smiles at something. "He still loves cartoons."
"That's good to hear." I say, smiling.
"I'll get the ointment. You can wait here." Niall says, jogging over to that pharmacy. I nod my head, and lean against the wall. An old woman smiles at me, and I try my best to give her a smile that will lighten her mood. But, I think my efforts are in vain.
"Why are you here, dear?" She asks me, coming over.
"My husband." I say as if that will explain everything. She gives me an understanding nod.
"Have faith." She says, placing her hand on my head. "God is kind, He'll help you out." I nod and smile at her, even though I don't completely believe what she's saying. Why hasn't He helped me out? Why is He making me suffer so much?
"Let's go." Niall says, coming over.
"It was nice talking to you." I say to the old lady. She smiles, and turns. I watch her enter a room, and then Niall tugs on my arm.
"Have faith," I murmur to myself. My faith is wearing thin. Very soon, I'll have no hope, not even a sliver. I just hope this is all over before I break.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang