A rescue mission!

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As I open my eyes, I realize that it's pitch black around me. I try to sit up, but as soon as I try, everything around me starts to spin.
"Shit!" I curse, lying back down. I rack my brains, thinking how the hell I got here. Honestly, all I remember is entering the spa. "Anyone here?" I shout, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. Squinting my eyes, I notice that there is a chair, in one corner, and a closet. A few boxes, are also lying around. I try to get up again, and this time I manage to lift my upper body. But, my hands are tied together with ropes, and so are my feet.
"Anyone here?" I ask again, plopping down on the bed. Suddenly, a door opens in the far corner, and light fills the room.
"Who are you?" I ask, as I see a man enter the room.
"So eager, huh?" A raspy voice asks me. It's the voice I always hate to hear.
"H-Harry, what am I doing here?" I ask him, as he switches on a light. I squint my eyes, because the bright light hurts my eyes.
"Well, love you belong here; with me." Harry says, walking towards me.
"I don't belong with you!" I yell, as he unties the knots, that hold me hostage.
"Bells, don't yell and get me mad. I'm still angry, that you left me!" He says, through gritted teeth. Harry is seething with anger right now, but he's controlling it and I can see it.
"Well then, let me go. Please, I don't belong with you!"
"I don't give a damn. You're mine and always will be." Harry says, pulling me off the bed. He pulls me behind him, dragging me on the stairs. Harry pulls me through a hallway, and up another flight of stairs. He then enters the first room, throwing me on floor.
"Stay in here! I've got some business to finish, I'll be back soon. Don't try to run!" Harry yells, slamming the door shut. I look around and notice, I'm in a huge room. It's probably the master bedroom, of this house. There's now window, and when I try the door; I notice it's locked. Great, I'm a prisoner now! I plop myself on the bed, and switch on the television. Some cartoon movie is on, and I decide to watch it. After watching three more movies, I hear shouts coming from outside.
"We can't leave her alone!"
"Harry will kill us!"
"Yeah and you want him to get killed!"
"Shut up!"
"Let's take her with us!"
"Among Braga and his gang, yeah right!" Since, all this talking was obviously going on about me; I decided to interrupt them. I got off the bed, and started banging on the door.
"Open up, guys!" I yelled, pounding the door with my fists. After about five minutes of pounding, the door lock finally clicks. The door then opens, revealing an angry looking Louis.
"What is wrong with you?" Louis yells.
"Wrong with me? I'm not the one who goes around kidnapping people and killing them. I'm not the one who shouts about somebody else at the top of their voice, when they know that they're in the same house." I yell, walking past him. He grabs my wrist, pulling me back, against his chest.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asks me, his voice laced with anger.
"To see what's going on? It's pretty obvious that you're talking about me, right?" I ask him, releasing myself from his hold.
"Louis, just let her come!" Niall yells from downstairs. At least I think it's Niall, because there is an Irish accent laced with the words.
"Come on!" Louis yells, shoving me and walking down the stairs. I follow him into the lounge, where Zayn, Niall, and Liam are sitting. They're all looking pretty stressed, Niall's head is in his hands, as well.
"What's going on?" I ask them, sitting on the couch. Zayn looks at Liam, and Liam nods.
"Harry's missing. He went four hours ago, and he hasn't returned yet. We're all mainly worried because he went to do a deal with Braga." Zayn says, finishing his explanation with a sigh.
"Should I know who Braga is?" I ask them, still not seeing the problem.
"Braga, is a drug dealer. The most dangerous one, and he's Harry's frenemy as well. Once before their deal had gone wrong, and there was a lot of bloodshed. Harry insisted on doing this deal himself, and we all know how dangerous it is. His life could be in danger now. We want to check, but we can't leave you. And we need all of us, if we're going up against Braga and his gang." Liam says.
"Well, then I'll come." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"You'll come? No, we can't take that risk, you can run away; and then Harry will kill us." Louis says, looking at me, as if I just said the dumbest thing.
"Four guys can't handle one girl, huh?" I ask them, raising one eyebrow.
"You want to see how I can handle you?" Louis asks me, getting up.
"Shut up and sit down! She's right, we have to take the risk." Liam says, getting up. "Bella, you need to stick with us and not run away, understand?" He asks me, giving me his hand.
"I'll try." I say, getting up with his help. Liam then leads me to a room, which is in the far end of the hallway.
"Choose whatever you like." He says, opening the door. Inside the room, there are all sorts of weapons. Knives, guns, rods, rifles.
"Wow." I say, admiring the different types of weapons.
"This is known as our weapon room. Since you're coming with us, I thought you'll need a weapon. Pick whatever you like." Liam says, walking around the room.
"Oh please, she can't even shoot a gun." Louis says, walking in.
"You're right, I can't. But, I can do this." I say, picking up a knife and throwing it at him. It lands right next to him, on the doorframe. "Watch your mouth, when I'm holding knives."
"You still missed me." He says, smirking.
"I did it on purpose. But, if you want to get hurt- here." I say, throwing another knife at him. This one grazes his ear, drawing a little blood.
"Shit! What's wrong with you!" He yells, wiping his ear, with his hand.
"I didn't know you could throw so well." Liam says, smiling.
"It's a hidden talent. I learned knife throwing in Secondary school." I say, shrugging. This room was full of knives of different shapes and sizes. I could sit right here and play with these all day.
"Can I pick more than one?" I ask Liam, picking up quite a few knives.
"Sure you can. But, you'll have to keep them hidden."
"Okay, that's not a problem." I say, putting two covered knives, in each boot. I put a couple more in my belt.
"I'm done, shall we?" I ask Liam, once all the knives are fitted perfectly.
"Let's." When we re-enter the lounge, Zayn and Niall are sitting exactly where we left them. Louis is in one corner, with an ice pack on his ear. When we enter Zayn looks at us and Louis.
"What happened?" He asks, looking at Louis' ear.
"Harry's pet happened." He says, giving me a deathly glare.
"Watch your mouth Louis, she has more than ten knives with her." Liam says, grabbing a granola bar.
"Wow, you can knife throw?" Zayn asks, his face lightening up immediately. I nod, shrugging my shoulders.
"You can be a serious asset to our gang." Niall says, smiling.
"Thanks, I guess." I say not sure what to think about that compliment. After all, I don't want to be in a gang, ever.
"Let's go!" Louis yells, pissed off that his friends are complimenting me, about kicking his butt. The boys lead the way to the garage. Inside the garage, there is a minivan and a Pajero. Since, they all start sitting in the minivan, I follow them. Though, I would've preferred to take the Pajero. Once we're in the car, Zayn starts telling us the plan.
"Braga's gang contains twenty people minimum, right? And we're only four-"
"Correction five. This girl has some serious knife throwing skills." Liam interrupts, patting my back.
"Five, sorry." Zayn says looking at me, apologetically. "So, our plan is to stay low; take them by surprise. Since Braga is in the club, it will be easy to do so. There will be many people, and we can blend in easily. Two of us will creep up first and then you guys can come." Zayn continues, but I tune him out. When he comes to my part, I'll listen. But for now, I'll just enjoy this car ride. Who knows if we'll even make it out alive. But there's this tiny part of my mind, that's worried about Harry. That's mainly the reason why I can't focus. I keep thinking, if he'll be okay, what condition could he be in? Or whether he'll be alive, at all? All these questions keep going through my mind and I have no idea why. I don't care about him, he's my kidnapper; he's the one who's made my life miserable, right? I shouldn't care about him. Then why am I so restless to know if he's okay? I shouldn't care at all, then why?
"Bells!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts, as Zayn snaps his fingers in front of my face.
"Yeah sorry, what?" I ask him.
"You're going to stay downstairs, okay? Don't move until we tell you to. We don't want you getting into unnecessary trouble, okay?" He asks me. I simply nod. I'm kind of upset I'm not in their plan. I'm just a luggage for them, extra baggage. Of course, and why wouldn't I be? They see me as a weak person, a person who can't defend herself. All of a sudden the car stops, and everybody starts getting out. Liam waits for me, and then he gives me his hand to take. I grab hold of it, scared of what awaits us inside. As we enter, we see the usual. People dancing, drunk people falling around, and drug addicts. Zayn taps Liam on the shoulder, signaling with his eyes, for him to see upwards. Liam subtly looks up and so do I. Upstairs is a balcony and on it some men are seated. They have a few girls with them, as well. They're most probably Braga and his gang.
"Okay boys, let's do this!" Zayn says, entering the crowd of dancing people.

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