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I push open the curtains, as I reach the floor-length windows. Harry has gone all out for this honeymoon, and I appreciate it a lot. Last night was fantastic! The plane ride included. I smile to myself as I remember Harry and I arguing over the bed drapes. He wanted to close them, and I wanted to keep them open. I take a sip of my coffee, as I take a seat on the white, leather L-shaped couch.
"Good morning, love." Harry says, as I feel his lips touch my forehead. I smile, and look up. Harry's standing behind the couch, grinning. His face looks extremely sleepy, but his grin is reaching his ears.
"Good morning." I wrap my shawl around me, tighter. It's pretty cold, and I don't think Harry has turned on the heat.
"You're up early." Harry says, as he walks over to the kitchen. His sweatpants hang loosely on his legs, and he's not wearing a shirt. I can see his perfectly toned body, and all of his tattoos. Last night, I kept tracing his tattoos with my fingers. It's pretty amazing just how intricate the designs are.
"I usually wake up at this time. You don't really notice because the boys wake you up and you immediately enter that study of yours." I hear Harry switch on the coffee pot.
"Want some breakfast?" Harry asks me from the kitchen.
"Are we eating here?" I ask him, as I place my coffee mug on the coffee table. There is a large variety of different magazines lying next to this couch. I grab one and start to flip through it's pages.
"Is it any good?" Harry asks me, as he takes a seat next to me. He wraps an arm around my waist, and then reaches over me to grab the television remote. Harry switches on the television, as I move closer to him.
"Sort of. I just learnt that gladiator shoes are in fashion." I say, as I check out some of the other trends.
"Do you like them?" Harry says cringing, as I show him an image of a model wearing the shoes.
"Not really. I think I'd feel suffocated. My legs would be cuffed." I say, smiling. It's true, though. They look pretty uncomfortable.
"Do you want to eat somewhere else?" Harry asks me, as he grabs the magazine from my hand and throws it behind him.
"I don't know. Do you?"
"I could cook you something. I'm a pretty good cook." He says, smirking.
"Sure." I say rolling my eyes, as I scoot closer to him.
"Babe, I'd love to cook you something. But, I'm sleepy. So, I guess we'll eat out." Harry pulls me closer, and I place my head over his chest. As if on instinct, my hand starts tracing Harry's tattoos again.
"I love this." I say, placing my hand over his butterfly tattoo. I'm not really sure if it's a butterfly or a moth.
"You seem to love all of my tattoos."
"Is this a moth or a butterfly?" I ask him finally, as I start tracing the tattoos on his hand.
"I don't really know." He shrugs as he looks down at his tattoo. "What do you think it is?"
"I don't really know, either. Whatever it is, it's gorgeous."
"Thanks." Harry lifts me off, and gets up. He grabs my mug from the coffee table, and walks off toward the kitchen.
"I'm going to bathe. Are you coming to change?" He asks me, as he grabs a towel from a closet.
"No. I want to go for a swim first." I get up and head into our room. I go through our suitcase, and I finally find a bikini. Horrified, I take the two pieces out, and place them on the bed.
"You are not wearing that." Harry says, entering the room. As he comes closer to the bed, I turn around to find him suppressing his laughter.
"I can't believe they packed this." I groan, as I pick up the bra. It's literally a bra. How the heck does this classify as a bikini!
"Babe, if you wear that every single guy in this area will be drooling all over you." Thank God we have a private pool. I'd never wear this in public. I wouldn't really feel comfortable.
"Well, they can't come in this part of the hotel. So, I'm wearing this and going for a swim." I say as I grab the bikini and head into the bathroom. Once I've changed, I apply some sunscreen and then I grab my phone and head out. As I cross the bed, I hear Harry gasp and something clatter to the ground. From the corner of my eye I notice it's his phone. I smirk to myself as I step out into the lounge. I grab a robe, that's made of silk, if I'm not mistaken and I head out. As soon as I step out, I throw the robe and my phone onto a chair, and jump into the pool. The water's temperature is perfect. I swim for a few laps and then I lean against one side of the pool. Our pool overlooks the beach, and I decide to watch the people. I notice there are loads of people who are surfing. I guess the wind is stronger down there. Our suite - or apartment - is pretty high and far away from the beach. The people actually look like tiny ants, swimming in a pool. I look around the pool area, taking in the lavish furniture. I wonder just how much Harry has spent on this suite or apartment. I need to ask him whether this is an apartment or a suite? I didn't notice when Harry entered the pool. However, all of a sudden I feel Harry's arm wrap around my waist. He turns me around, and crashes his lips against mine.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now