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"Belle!" Harry yells from the lounge. I groan and place the bowl on the counter.
"What?" I say, stepping out of the kitchen.
"Somebody's irritated today," he murmurs.
"You've called me thrice! Once to increase the heat, once to kiss you, and now. What's the problem?"
"You didn't mind when I called you to kiss me." Harry smirks, and gets off the couch. "My friend has invited us to his restaurant's opening. Do you want to go?" Harry comes over and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.
"Yeah, we can go. It will be fun."
"I'll tell him we'll reach by seven, okay?" I nod my head and walk back into the kitchen. "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to make myself some cereal."
"Oh, okay." Harry says, shrugging. He grabs an apple, and tosses it into the air.
"That's not a ball." I grab the bowl, and walk back outside.
"Yes ma'am!" Harry says, saluting. I roll my eyes, laughing.
"One of your screw is definitely loose."
"Sure," he says walking out onto the balcony. I take a seat on the couch, and grab the remote. Absentmindedly, I flip through the channels. I don't know what I'm going to wear tonight. Something sexy or something decent? I don't know what type of a restaurant it is.
"What kind of a restaurant does your friend own?"
"It's a bar and fine dining restaurant. Why?"
"I just wanted to be double sure."
"Don't worry love, you'll look great. We'll be on the terrace most of the time, enjoying the drinks." He says, entering the room.
"So the fine dining area is downstairs, and there's a bar upstairs?" Harry nods his head. This just got more complicated.
"We're here." Harry says, getting out of the car. I grab my phone, and exit as well. Harry is waiting for me on the other side. He grabs my hand, and leads us into the restaurant.
"Harry!" Someone yells, and Harry turns us around. Harry leaves my hand, and walks over to the man who had called his name. They both hug each other as if they've known each other for their whole life. I wait for them to pull away. Once they do so, Harry remembers me, and walks over to me.
"This is Belle." He says, grabbing my hand again. "My beautiful wife." He says, looking at my wedding ring.
"I never thought that you'd commit." The man says walking over to us. I smile at him, but I feel extremely uncomfortable in his presence. Something about him is disturbing.
"Percy." He says, stretching out his hand. I shake it, hesitantly. I don't like him. "I'm so happy you guys could make it. Please, make yourselves comfortable."
"I think we'll go upstairs." Harry says, leading the way. Percy nods his head, and walks off in the opposite direction.
"What's wrong?" Harry asks me, as we're ascending the stairs.
"Nothing," I shake my head.
"Love, I know something's wrong. I'll grill you later. Let's just enjoy ourselves." A waiter opens the door for us, and greets us with a smile.
"Welcome, ma'am." He says, completely ignoring Harry. I see Harry scowl from the corner of my eye. Jealous monger. Harry pulls me behind him. He doesn't even let me say hi. I look back, and wink at the waiter. I might as well have some fun. The waiter smiles at me.
"Bastard." Harry says as we walk toward the bar.
"Harry, he was simply doing his job." I defend him.
"He was clearly flirting with you." We reach the stools, and I climb onto one of them. Harry takes a seat beside me.
"Just forget about him." I say, tapping my fingers on the bar top.
"What do you want to have?" I shrug my shoulders, looking around the bar.
"I'll order something."
"Okay." I turn my stool around and look at all of the people. Some are dancing in one corner, and some are just sitting and talking. Suddenly, my eyes land on Percy. He's standing with some men. They don't seem nice either. One of them is staring at a woman's cleavage, smirking. Assholes.
"Belle." Harry says, handing me a glass.
"Thanks." I say, taking it.
"Harry!" We both turn around to find Percy looking in Harry's direction. He motions him to come over, and so do the other men with him. Harry looks at me questioningly.
"Go." I say, looking at the boys. Harry gets off his stool, and kisses me on the cheek.
"I'll be right back." He says, walking toward them. Harry almost trips over as he's walking toward them. I laugh at his clumsiness. What should I do now?
"Hi." I turn around to find the same waiter who welcomed us standing beside me.
"May I?" He asks gesturing toward the stool Harry was sitting on. I shrug my shoulders, and he takes a seat. "Shawn." He says, stretching out his hand.
"Bella." I shake it, placing my glass on the bar top.
"You have a lovely name."
"Thanks." I pick up my glass and take a sip. "I'm not being rude, but aren't you supposed to be working?"
"My shift ended five minutes ago. After that all staff members are allowed to roam around the restaurant or bar if they please."
"Your boss is pretty lenient, huh?" He nods his head, and calls the bartender. Once he's placed his order, he turns back around to face me.
"You're beautiful." He murmurs, leaning closer to me. Shawn's hand reaches up to touch my cheek, and he tilts his head. Immediately, I move backwards. His hand falls and a worried, and embarrassed expression comes across his face.
"I-I'm sorry," he stammers.
"I'm married!" I say, showing him my ring. "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."
"No, you didn't. I just thought you were like the others." He shakes his head, and scrunches his eyebrows.
"Like the others?" I'm confused.
"Do you really love him?" He asks me, grabbing his drink from the bartender.
"Of course I do!" What type of a question is that? I'm married to him, of course I love him!
"Wow," he murmurs.
"What do you mean by, 'wow'?" I'm finding his behavior extremely odd, and disturbing.
"Nothing. I don't want to spoil your night." How the heck can he leave me in the dark like that?!
"You have to tell me!" I realize my tone is extremely harsh. "Sorry. Please tell me."
"You're not going to like it."
"I don't care. I just want to know."
"You know Percy, right?" I nod my head, and he continues. "Do you know his small group of friends?"
"Maybe. Are they the ones who are hanging out with him tonight?"
"Yeah. Your husband, Harry is one of the member of Percy's group."
"Yeah, they're close friends."
"All of this," he says, looking around the restaurant, "Is just for show. They're all filthy gangsters."
"I know that." I don't like the fact that he called Harry a, 'filthy gangster'. Shawn's eyes widen.
"You know this, and you're still willingly living with him."
"He's not a bad person." I say, defending Harry.
"That's what you think." Shawn scoffs, and calls the waiter. "You're making a big mistake."

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now