Hard way

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I woke up to the sound of someone banging and ringing our doorbell, vigorously. I quickly jumped out of bed and went to see who it was. Since our door didn't have a peephole, I had to open it slightly, and that was my biggest mistake. As soon as I opened it slightly, somebody pushed it open with their hand. Standing there was Harry, Liam and Louis, all looking very angry.
"Sam! Sam!" Liam screamed, going in the direction of Sam's room. I stood there glaring at Louis and Harry when all of a sudden I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I looked up to find Harry, standing in front of me, just a little taller than me.
"Now imagine that twice as hard, cause that's how I felt." Harry said, slapping my other cheek. This time I moved back as soon as I regained my balance a little.
"How dare you!" I said, controlling my tears.
"Girl's got thick skin, Lou" Harry said, looking at Lou and then back at me. "What should we do to crack her?" Harry asked, coming closer to me.
"Mate, just take her home and thrash her all over and then force her, she'll crack I'm positive." The guy replied back, who I think is called Lou.
"Louis, could you please pack some of her things up for her?" Harry said to Louis.
"Sure," Louis replied and walked off in the direction of my bedroom. How did he know my room?
"Babe, now we can do this the hard way or the easy way, your pick. Either you hold my hand and walk out of this building with me, or I simply knock you out end drag you out of here." Harry said, now breathing in my face.
"I would never come with a bastard like you!" I shouted and tried to shove him away. But he did not budge even an inch.
"Hard way, huh?" Harry asked, slamming my head against the wall. "Sorry, but I didn't come prepared for I thought you'd be more sensible." Harry said, catching me before I touched he ground.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now