Tough Minutes

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This is harder than I thought. The screws are tightly screwed in.
"Do you need help?" The man asks me.
"Can you try to unscrew these? They're tightly screwed in." I say, offering him the spanner. He hands me the phone, and takes the spanner. I move back, and he takes my position.
"Yeah, you're right." He huffs after a few minutes. But, he keeps trying. If we don't manage to take Harry out of this car in a few more minutes, this car will explode, and he'll still be stuck inside. I truly hope the engine doesn't spark too soon. The man grunts, and I hear a tiny squeak.
"Finally," he sighs. The screw clicks with every turn. Finally, the screw comes out.
"Here, hold this." He hands it to me, and I take it from his palm. He gets back to work with the other screw. Three more to go. I hope the other three come out easily. Harry groans, and I move towards his head.
"It's going to be fine. I'll get you out, I promise." I assure him as I stroke his bloody head. When I lift my hand, it's covered in Harry's blood. Thank God, I'm not scared of blood.
"It's turning. Come on." The man murmurs.
"It's reaching the engine!" Someone yells, and I move back to see if she's saying the right thing. Shit! The petrol is reaching the engine. A few more minutes, and the engine will spark.
"Please work faster. The engine will catch fire any time now." I say anxiously. My pulse seems to quicken, and I can hear my heart thumping inside my chest. Harry's going to get it from me when he wakes up.
"Got it!" The man says, and he throws a screw onto the road.
"Two more. Only two," I murmur. These screws better come out because I don't have a backup plan.
"One more." The man says, huffing.
"Wow, that came out easily." I say, amazed. "Thank you for helping me."
"No problem," he murmurs. Through the light of the flashlight, I can see his face is covered with sweat. "Shit!" He curses, and the spanner comes in contact with the road. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion, and move towards him.
"What happened?" I ask him in confusion.
"My hand is cramping up. Why did this have to happen today?" He says, lifting his hand. He's right. His hand is at an odd angle, and his fingers are overlapping each other. I place the phone on the road, and grab the spanner. The man moves back and I take his place. I must get this last screw out.
"Could you please use your other hand and flash this light on the screw?" I ask him as I try my best to unscrew the goddamn screw.
"Sure." A bright light flashes on the screw, making it easier for me to see what the hell I'm doing. This isn't my day. The screw refuses to turn, no matter how hard I turn the damn spanner.
"Come on. Please," I murmur. Suddenly, the spanner moves and I hear the screw squeak. I sigh in relief, and keep turning the spanner at a rapid pace. Finally the screw falls onto Harry's leg. I pick it up and chuck it on the road. I throw the spanner as well, and grab the metal structure. It falls into two pieces in my hand. I chuck those aside as well. Harry's leg is bleeding, and it's bent at an odd angle. I hope it's not broken. He's hurt all over his body. I place my hands underneath Harry's arms, and pull him out. Harry groans, but he's still unconscious.
"Come back! The engine has caught fire!" Someone yells, and the man behind me moves back slightly. He's still braver than the others. I pull Harry out of the car, but he's so damn heavy. How the hell does he pick me up if I can't even pull him? From the corner of my eyes I can see flames dancing near the engine of the car. They're spreading at a rapid pace. The man who helped me comes to his senses, and helps me pull Harry away from the car.
"Thanks," I murmur. Another man comes and helps us pull Harry away from the car. Finally, he's at a safe distance.
"Can you guys help me take him to my car?" I ask them, and they nod. They place Harry's arms over their shoulders, and they follow me. I open the backdoor, and they place him on the backseats.
"Thanks a lot." I tell them as I get into the car.
"You're welcome." They say in unison. I reverse the car, and speed down the road. I keep checking Harry through my rear-view mirror. The blood seems to increase, and so does my breathing. I need to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. I never expected this. I never thought I'd be the one saving Harry. I never thought I'd see him so helpless. He's the tough one in this relationship as much as I hate to admit it. My vision blurs, but I don't slow the car down. I can't cry right now. I must stay strong for the both of us. I can't give up now.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now