Sneaking In

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"Bella!" Someone calls, but I can't recognize who it belongs to.
"Bella!" The same voice yells, but I can't seem to detect the source of the voice. Suddenly, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I turn around. Niall is staring at me, worriedly.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, his eyes searching my face for some kind of an answer. I shake my head, sniffling. I've never cried so hard in my life.
"What happened?"
"H-Harry." I manage to choke out between my sobs. Niall's eyes widen and he guides me towards the flight of stairs. Niall takes a seat on the first step and gestures for me to take a seat as well. I oblige, taking a seat on his right side.
"What happened to him?" Niall asks me, softly.
"He' a critical state. He could go into a c-coma." I say, wiping away my tears. Niall's lips purse into a thin line. He doesn't say anything, but I know exactly what he's thinking.
"Can we meet him?"
"No," I murmur.
"This is it, huh?" He asks me, his voice laced with disbelief. "No goodbyes?"
"I've always heard death is a sudden process. You never know when to expect death, right?" I turn my head and look at Niall. He nods his head and I continue. "But, I never expected this. Harry...Harry hasn't even started living his life. He has to achieve so many things. This is unfair." I shake my head. Death is no joke and this is unbelievable! Why is it him? This is all my fault. If I had stayed with him and talked things through, he wouldn't have been here. He wouldn't be in Singapore. He wouldn't be dying and fighting for his life.
"Unfair?" Niall scoffs, frustratedly. "Yes, it's unfair. He doesn't deserve this, nobody does."
"I wish I could do something," I murmur.
"How are the others dealing with this?"
"We're all in the same situation. We're all feeling the same thing. So, they're feeling the same things that we are." Niall slams his hand against the wall.
"We could move him! We could take him to another hospital, a better one."
"Niall, it's pointless. If we could, we would. But, there's not point." I bring my knees close to my chest and my arms around my legs. This is the worst feeling in the world. I'm so helpless. We're so helpless. The worst part is, we know it's a dead end and there's nothing that we can do about it. Sighing, I glance around the corridor. I wonder how many people in this hospital are going through the same thing that we are? How many people all around the world are going through the same thing that we are?
"Let's go and see him." Niall says, turning his body to face me.
"We can't."
"Yes, we can. Let's do it secretly." Niall's face is alive with new-found energy. "I saw a backdoor. Let's use that and enter." I shake my head.
"Niall, I don't want to get caught. I'm tired, and I don't want to cause any more trouble."
"Trust me." Niall gets up, and offers me his hand. Hesitantly, I stare at it before making a decision. It's going to be worth it if we get caught. I'll get to see Harry one last time. I nod my head, and get up. Niall takes my hand in his, and he guides me.
"Do you still have hope?" Niall whispers, his voice devoid of any emotion.
"No," I murmur. I know I shouldn't be so pessimistic, but there's no point in having any hope.
"Me too." I don't think Niall wanted me to hear that. "I've known him for years now, and losing him will be the worst experience of my life."
"Do you know what he did to me?" I ask Niall.
"No, but I'm sure he doesn't deserve such a severe punishment."
"No, he doesn't."
"We're here." Niall says, opening a door for me. I step inside, and Niall shuts the door behind us.
"Where do we go from here?" I ask Niall. The room is dark, so I can't see a thing.
"Straight, I think. We'll figure it out." He says, taking out his phone. Niall switches on the flashlight, and I can finally see something. There's a lot of medicinal equipment lying around the room in cubicles, on trays, and trolleys. There's another door on the opposite side of the room.
"I think we're supposed to step through that door. I saw a nurse taking some equipment through that door." Niall says, heading towards the door. I follow him, and he enters before me. There's a bed in the center of the room, but I can't see a thing because Niall has switched off the flashlight. Niall fumbles around the walls, looking for the switches.
"Yes!" He sighs, as a bright light floods the room. Harry is lying on the bed, unconscious. There are thousands of tubes attached to his arms, and chest. An oxygen mask is covering his mouth, and nose. I cringe at the sight of the stitches. His body is covered with them, and his right leg is in a cast. I hear Niall sigh, and he walks toward the bed. For some reason, my feet are glued to the ground. I can hear Niall murmuring something to Harry, but I can only catch a few words. Harry's hair is spread across the pillow. For some reason, it makes me smile.
"See, Bella is here." Niall says, a bit louder. My feet move on their own accord, and I find myself next to Harry in a matter of seconds.
"You didn't have to do something like this to get my attention. A sorry card would've worked." I say, softly. I know he can't hear me or comprehend what I'm saying. But, I don't care. Niall doesn't comment on my insanity, and I'm grateful for that.
"You know that this is all my fault." I state, passing my hand over his forehead. If Harry was conscious, he would smile at this, and urge me to continue.
"But, you're not completely innocent either. What you did was highly wrong, and I'm still mad. I won't forgive you easily."
"Harry, she's still feisty." Niall says, chuckling. I smile, and take Harry's left hand in mine.
"You both are still irritating." I don't know what Niall and I are trying to do. Maybe, we're hoping that Harry will respond. Maybe, our subconscious still has a sliver of hope.
"The boys are highly worried about you. I know this because Niall isn't happy. His smile isn't reaching his eyes." I say, making tiny circles on Harry's hand. "Louis is getting upset at the smallest things, and Liam is trying to handle the situation. His efforts are in vain, in case you are wondering." Suddenly, we hear the door opening, and a nurse walks in. The minute she sees us, her eyes widen, and she rushes over to us.
"What are you both doing here?!" She practically yells.
"We wanted to see him. You're not letting us see him, so we had no other choice." Niall defends us.
"You need to leave. I understand what you're going through today, but I can't allow you to break the rules."
"No, you don't!" I snap at her, as I turn around to face her. "If you did, you wouldn't ask us to leave." She lowers her eyes, and looks ashamed.
"I'm s-sorry, but rules are rules. Please, leave."
"You're pathetic!" Niall says, heading towards the door from where she entered. He exits the room and slams the door behind him.
"I'm sorry." The nurse murmurs again. I know she feels horrible for doing this, but she has no other choice. "You can stay for five more minutes. The doctor will come in twenty."
"Thank you. Thank you!" I says, gratefully. She smiles at me, and turns around to place something on a tray.
"I know Niall is acting weird today. He's simply concerned about you." I defend Niall as I take a seat on the edge of the bed. "None of us thought that you'd be the one lying on a hospital bed in this state." My eyes travel up and down Harry's body.
"I love you. This is probably going to be the last time that I will speak to you. So, I don't want to keep anything inside. I never thought this is going to be the way that we'll say goodbye. Fate and destiny is definitely something bitchy. I'll never understand it, and it'll never stop playing around with people's lives." My eyes fill up with tears, but I don't let them fall. I'm sick of crying. My energy is drained.
"I only have five minutes. Our last five minutes together, huh?" I laugh frustratedly. "You can give up, if you want. I won't say anything, the boys won't say anything. I'm sorry for everything. I really am. Thank you for loving me as much as you did. I love you, and I always will." I lean over and kiss Harry on the lips, and on his forehead. "I love you." I murmur against his lips. Suddenly, a monitor starts to beep loudly, and I turn towards the nurse, questioningly.
"Please go out." She says, panicked. I head towards the door. Before exiting, I turn to take a look at Harry one last time. I think he's decided to give up. I can feel it.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now