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"You're being highly cryptic." I shift on my stool, and order a glass of white wine.
"I really don't want to upset you or ruin your perspective of your perfect boyfriend." Shawn says, handing me the glass of wine.
"You can't stop right now. Please," I plead.
"None of them commit. Ever!"
"Why? Harry has committed."
"That's what you think. Do you know what they do besides smuggling of drugs and shooting anybody who comes in their way?" I shake my head. "They smuggle girls. Young girls." No, they wouldn't do that. Harry wouldn't do that.
"Every month they have an auction. The minimum amount of girls is thirty. Numbers can go as high as a hundred girls. Prices are decided on their looks, and purity."
"You're mistaken. Harry would never do that. It's highly cruel."
"I'm not! Harry plays a great part in this. I know all of this because they took my sister years ago. In fact, Harry is the one who kidnapped her."
"Your sister?!"
"I don't work here on my own will. Why do you think I know all of this?" I can see tears forming in his eyes, but Shawn manages to hold them in. "They kidnap random girls from all around the world. Unfortunately, she became their target. When he realized she was a virgin, he made sure she was the first one to go up on stage that day. Letters are sent to the girls houses telling them what happened to their girls. The police do get involved, but they find nothing."
"Nobody in their right mind would do that!" I refuse to believe Harry would do that or is doing this.
"Some of my friends knew where the auctions took place, and who held them. I never went with them, but they attended every single time. I asked them, and they agreed to take me with them. I told the police about my plan, and they agreed. They placed a tracking device on me. The minute I sent out a signal, they'd attack. It was a perfect plan."
"Did you see Harry? How do you know he was involved, and still is?"
"He was there! It was in a club, near a secluded area. The owners sat upstairs on a balcony, and Harry was sitting with them. The girls are given special lingerie to wear for such days. She came on stage, looking scared and embarrassed. I was disgusted. I sent out the signal, and I immediately heard sirens. The guards alerted Harry and the others, and they all packed up in less than two minutes, and fled with the girls. Everybody who was attending was escorted out from a back exit. It was as if nothing had happened. They are too good for the police. Obviously, my sister was with them." He stops and swirls the drink in his glass.
"Have you found her?" He nods his head and I sigh in relief. "Thank God."
"In fact, she's here."
"Why the heck would you let her mingle with those bastards?!"
"They still own her. Percy bought her, and now they all use her whenever they like. Even Harry." No, he wouldn't! My eyes search the area for Harry, but I can't seem to find him or his friends. I want to get out of here.
"I'm here for that reason; I keep an eye on her. We hang out with each other all day long, and when they call her she leaves. I'm waiting for her right now."
"Are they..." I don't know what to say.
"Yes, they are. That's why they're not here."
"Harry is with them?" I don't even know if I'm asking this or stating a fact to myself.
"Yes, he's with them! You've been living in an illusion. Harry doesn't love you."
"Yes, he does!" Harry's love isn't fake. "Do you know where they are?" Shawn nods his head, and I jump off the stool. "Take me there."
"What?! No, I can't." He says, getting off as well.
"Yes, you can and you will. Otherwise, I'll have to find them myself." I say, turning around and walking. Shawn grabs my arm. Turning around, I yank it out off his grip.
"Fine, I'll take you, but you're not going to like what you see."

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now