Short Walk

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"How are we getting to the restaurant?" I ask Harry as he locks our apartment and turns to face me. Harry offers me his arm and I take it. "Someone's being a real gentleman today."
"There are a lot of guys around. They all need to know you're taken." Harry says, dead serious. I start laughing at his serious expression. "Why are you laughing?"
"If that's your serious face, I'm pretty sure they will laugh at your face, and take me."
"Let's see them try." We descend the concrete stairs in silence. I'm still amazed at this hotel. It's huge! I still want to know how much Harry is spending on this honeymoon.
"You never answered my question." I look up at Harry. He's staring at the sea, his hair is flying in different directions. Even though it's so messy, it still looks perfectly styled.
"I've booked a limousine." I stare at him shell-shocked. He's going to be bankrupt by the time we return.
"What?" I practically yell. "Harry, you're spending way too much on this honeymoon. Please stop."
"Babe, this is nothing. Trust me." I'm not convinced.
"How much money do you have?" I've never really thought about Harry's wealth. I know he's well off, but he can't be this rich.
"Let's just say I can afford hundreds of honeymoons like this every year."
"You're very modest." Harry smirks and winks at me.
"Modest and honest." I roll my eyes, and push my hair back. For some reason as welcoming as driving around in a limousine sounds, I don't want to.
"I don't want to go in a limousine."
"We can hire another car."
"No, I want to go the normal way. Through a bus or taxi. Like normal people."
"No! Definitely not." Harry shakes his head. His face scrunches up as if he's smelling something horrible.
"Then we'll walk." I will not ride in a limousine.
"Oh, come on," Harry groans.
"Yes! We'll walk. How far is the restaurant?"
"It's five minutes away from this hotel." He murmurs, keeping his head down.
"Harry, it's five minutes away and we're taking a limousine. You're insane. Maybe I should hang around with a few other guys. Harry lifts his head immediately and glares at me.
"You're married. You wouldn't do that." He points toward my ring finger. "Your ring says it all."
"It's not glued to my finger." I say, wiggling my hand in the air.
"Good idea. We'll buy glue on our way back."
"Don't you dare!" I move away from Harry, and point an accusing finger at him. "I won't speak to you for a whole month."
"Babe, you'll come around." He says, chuckling. It's very hard to stay mad at Harry. His dimples and green eyes always win. I laugh, and wrap my arm around Harry's, again.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now