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I check the time. It's so late, I need to get home as soon as possible. My phone rings, as I stop at a traffic light. Shawn's name shows on my screen. I accept the call, and put the phone on speaker.
"Bella, are you okay? You've never stayed out for so long." His voice is laced with worry.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to reach in fifteen minutes. Calm down, and go to sleep." I tell him.
"I can't calm down. Harry's in town, and my fear has escalated."
"It's okay. He won't lay a finger on me." I assure him as I make a left turn. The roads are empty, except for a few cars. Suddenly, my eyes land on a mob. Why are there so many people in the middle of the road? I don't think I can cross this road.
"Bella! Are you drunk?" Shawn says, anxiously.
"No, I'm not. I just saw something." I tell him as I slow down. "See you in a while." I end the call, and stop the car. Through the crowd, I can see a turned car. Glass is scattered all over the road.
"Call the cops!" Someone yells.
"Get him out of the car!" Another yells. What's going on? Is someone stuck inside the car? I cut the engine, and get out of the car. I walk over to the mob of people. There's hardly any space to get through to the front.
"What's going on?" I ask no one in particular.
"There's been an accident. A man is stuck inside this turned car." A lady says, turning around.
"Why aren't you guys helping him?" I push through the crowd, and get closer to the accident scene.
"He's stuck in there, and the car will explode at any time." A man says. No wonder they're all standing slightly far from the car. I make my way to the front of the crowd, and sure enough, a car is turned, and it's not a nice sight to see. Glass is scattered everywhere and there's a trail of blood flowing out of the car. I can see the trail of petrol as well. Judging from the amount of petrol on the road, I think half of the tank is empty. I can't see who's inside because I'm on the passenger side of the car. I start to walk towards the driver's side. Pieces of glass crunch underneath my shoes.
"Don't go too close." A lady says. Ignoring her, I reach the driver's side. It's dark, so I can't get a clear view of the driver. But, I think his forehead is covered in blood. Suddenly, his arm flops out onto the road. Immediately, I recognize Harry's cross tattoo, and his silver ring. No, it has to be my imagination. This isn't Harry. I crouch down to examine his hand further. As I get closer, I notice he's wearing the silver band that I gifted him for our wedding gift. It's definitely him!
"We need to get him out!" I yell as I sit down on my knees to pull Harry out. Glass pieces enter my legs, but I don't care. This car could explode, and I'm not going to let Harry die. He can't die! A man crouches down beside me.
"His leg is stuck, at least that's what these people are saying." He tells me as I think of a way to take Harry out. The problem is with this damn lighting. Why did he have to get into a car accident at night?
"Do you have a flashlight on your phone?" I ask him, as I feel around in the car. Harry's seat-belt is still on, so the first thing to do is unbuckle it.
"Yeah, one second." The man says. I manage to unbuckle Harry's seat-belt.
"Harry," I murmur. I know he can't hear me. He's unconscious. "I'll get you out, don't worry."
"Where should I shine the light?" He asks me.
"Near Harry's leg. I want to see if it's stuck." The man flashes it near Harry's torso, but then he adjusts the light so I can see Harry's leg. Sure enough, it's stuck between a metal structure. I don't think that belongs here.
"That piece of metal has come out of another part in the car." The man says, confirming my doubt.
"How should I take his leg out?" I think aloud. I place my hands on either side of Harry's leg, and try to yank it out. My efforts are in vain. His leg is wedged between that metal structure.
"I don't think we can. The police will have to cut it."
"Why are you so pessimistic?" I shouldn't be so irritated at this man, but I am. Why is he saying such negative things? "I'm sorry," he mumbles. Sighing, I look around for something that will help me with this situation. Harry, must have a toolbox or pouch in the trunk of his car. I back up a little to find the trunk slightly open.
"Can you please bring me the toolkit that must be lying in the trunk?" The man nods and gets up. He leaves his phone beside me so I pick it up and flash the light onto Harry's unconscious figure. He's bleeding from everywhere. I feel this weird emotion, I think it's pain. I can't see him like this. He's motionless. If I didn't see his chest rising slightly, I'd think he's dead. In fact, I'm amazed he isn't dead. This isn't the time to think about such things.
"Here." The man says, taking his seat beside me. He hands me a pouch, and I give him his phone. I unzip the pouch, and sure enough, a spanner is lying in the pouch. I take it out, and guide my hand towards the metal structure. It's held together with four screws. If I can unscrew them, I can dismantle this metal structure, and take out Harry's leg. Let's get to work!

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now