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Harry's POV

Where is she? It's been fifteen minutes, since she left. I was almost done with my food, as well. She couldn't have left, could she? Frankly, I think she's finally able to see my love for her. I don't think she'll run, but then again, we did just have a fight. Shit, why is she so confusing? One minute, she's perfectly fine and cooperative and the next, she's fighting with me. When will she fully understand my love for her? Can't she see, that if I punish her, it's for her own benefit. Surely, at first I'd got her to use, for a little while. But, now I think I've started to develop feelings for her; I've started to love her. As, I was thinking all of these thoughts, I realized another five minutes had gone by and she still wasn't here. Where was she?
I quickly called the waiter, and told him to get me the bill. Once, I had paid, I immediately went in the direction of the bathrooms. There was only one cubicle, in the ladies bathroom and the door was open. Where could she have gone? I ran out in search of her, and noticed that my car, wasn't parked in the parking lot. Shit, she ran away! How could I have been so stupid, I literally let her fool me.
"Lou, come to Xander's right now!" I yelled into the phone, when Louis picked up. "And give the phone to Zayn!"
"Harry calm down, what happened?"
"Lou, just listen to me for once, and do as I say!"
"Okay, here speak to Zayn!" Louis yelled back, irritated by me screaming at him.
"Yeah mate, what's up?" Zayn said.
"I want you to activate the tracker on my car, and track it down. Okay? Don't you dare ask any questions!"
"Okay, okay. Fine I'll track it down. Bye." Zayn said, shutting the phone. Now, I know why Bella, was taking so long in getting the keys; she took the duplicates. Once, I get my hands on her, she'll think this was the biggest mistake of her life.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now