In the mountain 2

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It's been one month of living in the mountains. They become more close with the old couple. They forget all businesses after receiving a soft hand, which washes their face after coming from the corn field, a hand which blows on their forehead when they can't sleep, a harsh voice when they avoid eating, gives them the heavenly hug with their rough and tight hands when they are needed............only 30 days have passed, but it feels like years over years they are living there.

Today is a sunny day. Mr. Huyang went out early in the morning to the field. The eight are in the home with Ms. Fuyei. Fuyei is in the kitchen preparing lunch for them, and the eights are in the living room~~

"I really don't wanna go back to Korea." They all looked at Taehyung who just told the truth about them. Yes, they don't want to go back, but they are so strict towards their own hearts that they can't say anything.

"Who wants to leave this place? It's only peace and peace here. Not a single smell of blood, not a single moment of staying in fear.........." Jungkook let his lips say all that he wants. His young heart is so genuine.....don't know what to tell or what to do. After hearing Jungkook's words a heavy stone fell on their hearts. What to do.....they can't think it is right now. Without any response of the four feels like nothing. So Lisa cleaned her throat and looked outside.

"Then let's live here" Everyone's gaze on her. But it is the same thing that they all want to do.

"Yeah, let's forget about the past, it's all good here. Those monsters will never find us"

"Then let's just live here until death. Mr. Huyang and Ms Fuyei are so kind and so genuine with their own living style, they treat us as their own children, leaving them after this!? We can't....." Seokjin said. They agree with him. Who will want to leave this utopia..........
It's evening. The sun is in the west....  slowly going downward. The birds are going back to their nests. Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin are coming back with Mr. Huyang from the field. They placed the things in the small room which is just like a mini store room. Then they headed to the tubel, Seokjin runs towards the small river like a road of water which is coming from the waterfall. The water is so cold and clean.

Like every evening, Ms. Fuyei and Jisoo are making tea for everyone.

In the living room, Ms. Fuyei and Mr. Huyang is drinking the tea very silently. Eight of them look at each other trying to find out what happened with them suddenly that their mood changed. After they finished, Ms Fuyei stopped Chaeyoung from taking the cups to the kitchen, she told them to sit.

"When are you planning to go back to your home?"

They all again look at each other. It is so arduous for them to think about it again. This is the most awkward feeling of their life. This is the only place where they don't have to hide their painful face behind a black mask. After collecting some strength, Chaeyoung answered,

"We are planning to live here.............forever. till our last breath as you say before." Then the others added,

"Yes.....we will. We want to repay your kindness."

It's a big silence. Ms. Fuyei slowly straighten her eyes towards them.

"What about your parents?"

They all look in her direction.

"You have many things to deal with. You four are the members of a boy will be okay, but what about those three friends of yours? Are you that selfish that you haven't think about them?" Her words touched them badly. They lowered their heads. Why they didn't think about it before?.......

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