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Rain is something that can make your mood or something that can change your mood. The fire is gone. The love is also gone. The comfort is not there anymore. She is crying. "Amma..................". No response, not a single word. Only her painful screams are vibrated everywhere. She knows her mother is gone but she doesn't want to believe it. How can she believe that the person who was giving her life is dead. The person that can't see her tears is dead. No one in this world can understand her except her mother. The person who did not drop a single tear when she saw her husband's dead body laying with blood. It's only for that little Jisoo, her mother did not cry. For more than one hour she is  laying down on the muddy ground. Rain is the only friend that tries to remove her tears . At last she feels that someone is touching her head, softly, just like her mother. So lovingly. "It's comfortable A..am..Amma"

"Oooh mom please..... please let me go!"...."I say no honey" Lisa's mom sweetly says to her daughter. On the other hand her beloved daughter, really hates 'no' as an answer. "Mom plEaSE"...." LiSa no, means NO". At this point Lisa is going crazy. "Look at her, she is not well and you should take care of her. Dear look. She really needs our help" Lisa's mother's eyes are teary, she is really a caring mother. Juu is the mother who is not only for her child but also there for every child in this world who needs their mother. But her daughter is not in her mood to listen to her mother and she doesn't want to think about that strange girl that her mother brings at their beautiful mansion. "Mom the fuck you are talking about her...i don't know who she is and i really don't care". Her words make Juu shocked. Now Juu is really angry. It is the first time she is angry at her daughter. She slapped Lisa in her face. "Go....get out....i say GET OUT Lalisa Manobal". She is really shouting at Lisa. The whole mansion is stopped. All maids are shocked. Just the wall clock still makes a valuable sound. But no one cares about it right? Mr. Lee, this old man is also running towards mother and daughter. And at the end of his destiny he discovered something; Juu's eyes are red, angry, she is really angry and at whom? Lalisa Manobal with her daughter??!! Lisa is also shocked. She just gives her mother a quick glance and walks away. Where? At the party that she wanted to go to before this incident? Or her mother's company office?

"Ms. Juu, sorry"-- "hmm"-- "we are failed to find her"---"i know, go and take rest."......."Sumi, the doctor is gone ?" Juu is a little bit shocked because the doctor that comes to check on that girl is gone without saying her. "Yess mam......ahh he was waiting for you for 40 min in the living room but....."..........Juu is lost in her mind. There is no news about Lisa for 9 hours, how can she live so freely? "Liz, where are you? I'm sorry honey please come. It's cold outside. Honey please come." Tears fell down from her eyes.





"Mam....i think you should take a rest..... please take this pillow" the  maid give her a pillow that she can sleep at sofa. Because they have not enough courage to say that 'take rest at bed'. There at living room, Mr. Lee. He is also can't sleep. His little angry princess is missing for hours.

"Mam...mam...the girl..the...".......Juu is running towards the last room. The black haired little girl is awake. Her swallowing eyes try to manage the the power of electrical lights. Her hands are still don't know what to grab. At last she can she a middle aged women standing at the door. "Where am i?"......this is the first word that touches Juu's heart. "Honey you are at my house....." She tells everything to her that how can they find her laying on the ground and they took her with them. "Ok, don't think about this now. You are safe here" she brings her hands at the girl's forehead. Juu can feel that the girl still has fever. "Ooh take the soop that i told you to make"....she ordered the maid. On the other hand the girl does not really want to say anything. "By the way dear may i know what is your name?"

"Jisoo......Kim Jisoo"

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