Most beautiful home

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Placing her hand on her waist she makes an impressive look.

"He will be shocked." Ms. Fuyei said while looking at the view of the mountain from the top floor of their house. The eight of them come towards her and look at her bright face. A face with so much joy and power. She moves her head towards them.

"Do you know what is home?" She asked them with her same mysterious smile. They look at each other. They know that it will be something different from what they are thinking so they don't answer it.

"A house where people live without feeling any emptiness............. I'm glad that I'll die after staying at home." Then she leaves them dumbfounded. A silence between them. But Jennie, who always holds something special and who always brings the facts, smiles and says,

"Whose passion is killing people, living in a big mansion where you yourself don't know how much room there is, exchanging your house after a can that devil know about 'home'?

The sound of opening the gate is heard by everyone. Ms. Fuyei smiles at them.

"Rosie, wanna surprise him?" She asked Chaeyoung while pulling her dress a little.

After entering the gate Mr. Huyang waits for a moment and looks at the whole surroundings. Is that his house? He turns around.

"Why am I feeling so warm......what is going on?......Fuyei....Fuyei...Fu.." his stops. A girl with her red dress has a flute in her waist.
He comes closer to the girl.

"I was thinking about why I was feeling so happy today but look who is here...." He said. Chaeyoung's eyes become teary. She greeted her just like a pupil greeted their master. The other seven with Ms. Fuyei is watching them from the window.

"That was cool" Jisoo said after watching her greeting style.

"You dummy girl. Our second relationship is master and forget the first one?" Mr. Huyang said and hugged her. He carries her head giving all of his love to her.
"You all are really good at I'm impressed.....hey you handsome buddies come...come here." Huyang said.

"Mr. God waits for me..... don't start the story" Jimin shouted out of his lungs. Hearing his voice Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Mr. Huyang laugh.

"Don't teach them something evil..." Ms. Fuyei said and gave her husband a death glare.

It's 8pm. After a few minutes they will have their dinner. Jennie come out to the outside for some fresh air. She looks at the mountain and close her eyes. The sound of waterfall, a unknown bird's little chirruping, the laugh of the seven with Ms. Fuyei and Mr. Huyang.....'It feels more good then music.' She said in her mind.

"What are you doing there?" Someone asked her. Jennie looks at him.

"Hey what are you doing there?" She asked him because Jimin is sitting at the roof of house.

"Don't you think this house is similar to a secret palace of a king or prince!! It's so big. The air is so nice here" He said to her. Jennie move her head again towards the mountain. After few seconds of standing there she again looks at Jimin. He is watching the view of the moon.

"Wait, I'm also going there." Jennie said and on her way to the house.

"Hey, you don't need to go inside. You can come here directly." He said.

"Don't play with me." Jennie fired her killer voice. But suddenly Jimin come down from the roof. Jennie can't believe in her own eyes. How can he just jump from there!!!

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