Anna Karina

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Info - extramarital affair, reader being scored and called a whore, escaping to Italy, mentions of sex

"I don't want to go," I said. I laid in my lovers arms, naked as I usually was with him. I had not fallen for his charms so easily, and I now regretted that lost time. He claimed he'd fallen for me the moment he'd laid eyes upon me, the fact that I was married had not deterred him. He kept up the chase.

Finally, when my husband started accusing me of an affair, sullying my good name, I thought why not. Our first night together had been wild. The sex was so passionate, so all consuming, that I knew it could never be a one time thing between Timothée and I.

"We must, do you hear what they say about you?" He asked me worriedly. "It will be better in Italy. Let me take you there. Let me make love to you under the Italian sun."

"What of my family?" I asked.

"Haven't they all cut you off? Haven't they all spat at your feet and called you a whore?"

"Yes, I suppose I have already lost them. It is worth it though, because of all the things in the world I want, it is you I want the most."

"I feel the same about you," he said and kissed me for a long time.

"So it's settled then? Italy?"

"Yes, Italy," I nodded.

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