You All Along

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Info - switching POV, Timothée getting engaged to someone else, heart break, avoiding someone, running through an airport for someone, cheating, kissing in the rain, panic attack

It'd be nice if he noticed me, just once. Even best friends could think one another looked good. The compliments he paid me were always "you look good." I'd use words like stunning, radiant, or splendid for him.

I hoped maybe this would be the move to show him how much I truly cared. He always felt shafted on his birthday since it was so near Christmas, not this year. I'd planned a huge surprise party, and early too in case he wanted to share the real one with his family. Absolutely everyone I could think of was coming and I'd rented out a hall. He had no idea. Even, against my heart's wishes, Allie, the costar he'd seemed extremely close to during filming.

"SH, everybody be quiet," I commanded the crowd. I heard Timothée arrive and everyone screamed "surprise."

"Woah, this is so unexpected, thank you so much," he said. People were giving him well wishes. I treasured the hug he gave me when it came to my turn.

"This is great. Everything is amazing and I feel like just so fulfilled," he sighed. "I hope you're enjoying yourself."

"I'm always enjoying my time when I'm with you," I smiled.

Time passed with dancing, cheering, and eating. He looked like he was having a wonderful time, and that's what mattered most, even if Allie was clingy with him.

"I have an announcement, and I thought this would be a perfect place to do it, since I'm having the time of my life," Timothée announced after he quieted everyone. My heart leaped. What could he need to say? Would this be my dream come true, would he tell me how he felt about me was more than friendship.

"I proposed to Allie, and she said yes!" He cheered. Everyone was congratulating him and clapping him on the back. He kissed Allie heartily.

My world had gone grey, all color leeching out. I couldn't breathe, but I could move. I stumbled out into the cold winter air, trying desperately to fill my lungs. Sobs overtook me. I was gasping, sucking in lung fulls.

"Y/n," the soft voice of my friend Vivi came from the door I'd just run out of.

"I didn't even know they were dating," I wept. I was still finding it hard to breathe.

"Girl, it's not worth all this," she said.

"It is! He's worth it all," I sobbed. "I can't go back in there. I need to go home."

"Treat yourself at least," she said and waved goodbye.

Timothée's POV

"Who organized this anyway? It's awesome!" I asked Zendaya.

"Y/n did, paid for the whole thing and contacted everyone. I thought it was a lot of effort to go to," she said, taking a swig of champagne.

"Shit, I didn't even realize. Where is she, I need to thank her," I said over the rumble of music.

"She left," said our mutual friend Vivi. She was our makeup artist on the movie.

"Oh, that's weird," I said in confusion.

"She felt sick," Vivi said.

I didn't want to disturb her if she was most likely asleep, so when the party finally died down, I sent her a voicemail. I told her how touched I was and asked that if now that the movie was done filming if she wanted to meet up as a thank you.

I was shocked when she said she couldn't because she was super busy. Filming had just wrapped, promo wouldn't start for a while. It seemed like she was actively avoiding me.

Things seemed to have hit a climax with Allie. After the proposal, things moved swiftly down hill. The truth was I think it was all y/n. I felt so confused and yet indebted to her. That party had to be one of my favorite memories, and to know she'd planned it and I'd hardly gotten to thank her weighed on me. It really felt like she was avoiding me and being purposefully distant, but she'd never ever been like this before. We'd been thick as thieves. Finally, I caved and called Vivi.

"Why do you want to know?" She hedged.

"I miss her. This isn't like her I need to know she's okay," I confessed.

"The party.... It really affected her Timothée."

"Because I didn't say thank you? I tried, she wouldn't meet up with me," I said desperately.

"Look, I can't tell you what it is exactly, but if you think hard enough it'll be easy to figure out," Vivi said.

"Wait.... Me, me and Allie?" I asked in surprise.

"Please don't play dumb, you can not feel the same way but don't fake that you didn't know," she said reproachfully. "The way she looks at you, always wants to be around you, planned a damn extravaganza in your honor, all with the hope you'd care."

"Where is she, I need to talk to her!" I said urgently. This changed everything.

"She's flying home to Europe, her plane leaves in two hours."

"Fuck! Why didn't you start with that!" I moaned and hung up.

I hoped she was using the airport nearest here. I grabbed my car, not trusting a chauffeur to grasp the urgency of the situation. It was dark and rain was pouring from the sky. I didn't give a damn. I was racing through the streets. All the while, my mind raced too. Everything I liked about Allie, was something I had first liked in y/n. Perhaps, had I gotten with Allie because I liked y/n, as more than a friend? Did I worry about affecting our friendship, or her being out of my league?

Finally, I parked. I was running through the rain, not minding that I was getting soaked. I checked the flight log, and found her home city, then I was running again.

"Sir you need to be check," said an officer.

"Did flight three seventy two already leave?" I asked worriedly.

"It's about to, if you're wanting to board you much too- HEY!"

I jumped the turnstile and slammed through security. People were following me, but I didn't care, my legs were longer and I had more speed and reasons to do this. I finally reached her gate. I'd hoped to find her sitting, waiting to be boarded. However, there was no one. I turned to the window and saw three seventy two take off.

Tears filled my eyes. I hadn't even gotten to say goodbye. I'd see her for promo, but that could be a year later. I would miss her with everything I was. My emotions dripped down my face in a steady flow.

"Timothée?" Said the voice of an Angel. I saw her standing there, carry on in hand. I ran to her and picked her up, twirling her around. I kissed her full on the mouth.

"What, mmmff, are you, mmm, doing here?" She asked through my kisses.

"I love you. It was never Allie it was you and I should've known it all along," I said, holding her tight.

"Really?" She asked with glistening eyes.

"I thought it was her, but it was you I wanted, I was too afraid to admit that to myself," I said. "Why didn't you get on the flight?"

"I just had a feeling," she smiled.

"Let me carry your bag for you, you're coming home with me," I said and kissed her cheek. She was beaming her skin so warm and soft as I took her hand. I led her out into the rain.

"So this is why you're soaked," she chuckled.

"And you will be too in a moment, because I've always wanted to do this with the girl I loved," I said and pulled her into the downpour. I kissed her, swaying with her lightly as our mouthes moved on one another's perfectly.

"Thanks for the party by the way," I whispered into her damp lips.

"Anything for you."

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now