Favorite Girl

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Info - fight, Zendaya slander (no hate this is fiction), Zendaya wants Timmy, Timothée admitting feelings

"Oh no contest Z," I heard Timothée on the phone with his friend. Zendaya always called Timothée when she needed fashion or modeling advice. "Valentino will be all over you, no competition, the other person isn't even on your level."

My heart hurt. I knew he was being a good friend, but damn if I didn't want encouragement too. Since I was a model everyone thought I didn't need encouragement, I just knew I was beautiful. This wasn't the case, I was always worried.

I was her competition and I felt like she knew. Before Timothée could say shit I rose from the couch. I drove to where I knew Zendaya would be, with Tom, the man she was supposed to love.

"You need to cut the bullshit!" I told her when she answered the door.

"What are you on about now," she snapped.

"You know I'm your competition and you called Timmy anyway. I'm his girlfriend, please accept that," I begged. We'd had this conversation before. She was always overstepping.

"I'll do as I please," she said curtly.

"Whatever just stay out of my relationship," I snapped. I drove back to my house but I was unwilling to leave the car. I felt emotions overwhelm me. I was sobbing against the steering wheel when Timothée came out.

"Why did you just leave?" He demanded.

"I needed to talk to the model who is going to gain all of Valentino's affection!" I spat.

"Wait what?" He asked.

"Yeah, Timothée, if you cared to ask or look into it. I'm the model she's up against. Fuck, no matter what I do! You're always going to pick her! I can never be skinny enough, or sexy enough, or good enough."

"She's my friend! You know how I feel about you!"

"How?" I demanded.

"You're my sweetheart," he said, clutching his chest meaningfully. "I never think of anyone else. I love you. Zendaya won't win if she's up against you. You're my world and you should be everyone else's too."

"I like it when you call me pet names," I smiled.

"Get out of the car angel. Let's cuddle, I'm so sorry I've been absent and not encouraging my favorite girl."

"Favorite girl, angel, sweetheart, you're going to make me explode with happiness," I nearly sang.

"Come on, don't make me wait!" He said and I burst out of the car into his arms.

"I love you!" he said as he twirled me.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now