Little Family

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Info - adopted child, emotional, fluff, child worried about not pleasing parents

"Really?" Zipporah asked in shock, looking around. Timothée and I had admittedly gone a little wild, there were towers of presents.

We'd adopted Zipporah at the beginning of last year. The poor girl didn't even know her own birthday. We'd decided that it would be the day we adopted her. However, this meant no excuses to give her gifts for a while.

We went full force with the festivities this year. I hung lights with her, we all worked on the Christmas tree, Timmy took her sledding, and we watched every Christmas movie we could think of. However, today was the main event.

"They're for me?" She asked with teary eyes.

"Yeah love," Timmy said. "Ma fille, we're your parents, we give you presents on Christmas."

"But," she began to cry.

"No, no, sweetie what is it?" I asked her worriedly.

"I only got you and Papa one thing!" She sobbed.

"Oh angel, that's completely fine, you didn't even need to get us anything," I smiled.

"Come on fille," Timothée picked her up and sat her in front of the gifts. She began to open them, exclaiming over each one. My heart was incredibly full and I turned to my husband. He smiled at me and kissed me, and I felt the wetness on his cheeks.

When she'd opened everything she handed me and Timothée small packages. She'd drawn a picture of each of us and put them in Popsicle stick frames. She had listed things she loved about each of us, but to me, the most precious thing was she had labeled them "to mommy and papa". It had taken her awhile for her to call us that and it was a joy every time for me.

"Are you Santa? Because this is exactly what I wanted," Timothée joked and she giggled with joy.

"Ah my little family, a perfect Christmas miracle," Timothée smiled.

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