Taste In Music

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Info - different tastes in music, sassy reader

"Again?" Timothée asked as I replayed the Tchaikovsky composition.

"I'm sorry you have no depth Chalamet," I said as I danced around the room. He sighed and joined my waltz. "However, I do love you, despite your taste in music."

"Well you did promise me you'd come with me to the Kid Cudi concert tonight," he reminded me. I groaned.

"Several hours of noise," I said.

"It isn't noise, it's art," he said.

"Whatever, just look hot so I can fuck you after and I get something out of this," I winked.

We were at the show and Timothée kept batting my hands away from him. I wanted to distract myself from the noise with his body, because damn he'd followed through on the looking hot thing. I decided to use my phone as a distraction instead.

Finally, we were done, but Timmy wanted to go backstage and congratulate Cudi. I tapped my foot while they spoke.

"This your girl?" He asked.

"Yes," Timothée said, and kissed my cheek.

"First time at one of my concerts?" He asked.

"Yes again," Timothée chuckled.

"How did you like it?" He asked me.

"I didn't," I said plainly.

"Woah," Cudi laughed just as Timothée hissed my name reproachfully.

"You said I had to come, not that I had to lie," I reminded him.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant