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Warnings - nervous Timmy, Timmy's pov, clumsy Timothée

I was shaking. She didn't know I was here. I didn't even know if this was the kinda thing she appreciated, but I wanted to impress her parents. I knew I had to include her mother, this was 2022 after all. Ever since I'd knocked over like five drinks on my first visit, making myself and the table drenched, I'd worried about what her family thought of me.

I ran the doorbell carefully. I had to fiddle with my hands or they'd shake too much to be of any use.

"Hey, Timothée, what's happening?" Her mother answered the door, peering around to see if you were with me.

"C-could I come in and speak to you and Mr. Y/L/N?" I asked, my voice breaking every couple syllables.

"Of course, and no need to be nervous, you are always welcome in our home," she said comfortingly. That did ease my worry a bit.

I walked in and sat down on the couch while her mother got her father. I let my thin fingers toy with the ring box in my pocket. I'd gotten it the week we started dating, because I'd known even then. It was a gorgeous ring, ethically sourced as she'd so often commented she wanted.

"Alright Timothée, we're here," her mother said, placing a hand on my knee.

"I love your daughter more than anything, more than myself! I want her in my life forever. She is by far and easily the best thing that ever happened to me. I want it all with her, the wedding, honeymoon, babies, a life! I've been saving for a while. I have a good job, and I can provide for her and protect her. She also is in a good place in life and I think now is the time, as much as I've wanted to do it sooner. I wanted to ask both of your permission to ask your daughter to marry me."

By the end of my speech your father had his arm around your mother, and she was crying.

"You are," her mother started, but had to stop because of tears. "You are absolutely perfect for our daughter. She's always talked of wanting someone like you, and when you came along she told us it was like love at first sight. I absolutely give you my permission and I don't want you to be worried for one second. She is absolutely besotted with you, and will say yes."

"Th-thank you!" I said in surprise.

"Timothée you didn't need to ask us this, but it is sweet that you did. Anyone just has to see the two of you together to know you're a perfect match," her father said. "You have my permission."

"Thank you! Thank you so much," I nearly cried.

"Can we see the ring?" Your mother asked eagerly. I took it out shakily. I showed them and they gasped.

"It's perfect, son," your mother said, and my heart was full.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now