The Strap

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Info - moving fast, gentleman behavior, PDA

We were at a premiere for his new movie and he looked so good it was insane. Our relationship wasn't that old and I was scared about how fast I was falling. He was so kind, wise, beautiful, gentle, and humble. We were the couple that stayed up until six am talking about the stars and art and love and having frantic make outs in between. I was the one who had broken him of his fear of PDA, because he said he couldn't resist me. We were goofy and deep and beautiful and I knew I loved him, but telling him was the issue.

"Oh, baby, your dress strap fell down," he said as pictures snapped.

"My damn narrow shoulders," I said. To my surprise Timothée moved in front of me to shelter me from photos as I fixed myself.

It was so him, so quintessentially him that I nearly teared up. He ALWAYS put me first, he was always caring and sweet and concerned for me. I looked up into his eyes and kissed him. He seemed surprised but I had to.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"I love you," I said. He looked shocked.

"I'm sorry, I know it's early, but what you just did, solidified it in my mind and I couldn't help but say it."

His smile was absolutely wild with joy.

"No, don't feel bad, I love you too, I love you so much," he beamed.

"Timmy," I smiled.

"Fix your strap so I can kiss you in front of the world baby, you're everything," he said giddily. I did and he pulled me to him and kissed me deeply, not letting me go every time I tried to back away for his sake.

He had a goofy smile the rest of the day and I woke up in his arms to many, many articles about how handsy he'd been and wondering what we'd said to each other.

"I love you Mon amour," he whispered in my ear the second he woke up. I sighed in happiness.

"I love you too, my sweet gentleman."

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now