I'm Here

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Info - movie making reader cry, meantion of panic attack

"Don't Make me watch it again," I begged.

"Honey, don't you support me?" He asked worriedly.

"Timothée it makes me cry so hard," I said. I'd had to walk out of the premier to have a panic attack. He'd come after me immediately. Now he had a free copy since it was out and wanted to watch it.

"Common, I'm wearing your favorite pajama pants," he said. I'd bought him teddy bear pajama pants and he wore them when he wanted something out of me.

"Timothée," I tried, but he knew I was breaking.

"I'll hold you on my lap the whole time," he promised.

"Oh fine," I said grumpily.

I clutched onto his pajama clad knee as Sully entered the room.

"I'm not watching," I said and turned around in his arms. I hid my face in his chest. I felt the tears begin as I heard his lines.

"Hey," he said and paused it. "It really still bothers you that much? Even on a small screen with me right here?"

I nodded against him. He pulled me even closer. He kissed the top of my head.

"I'm right here sweetie, I won't push play," he said and he held me until I calmed down.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now