Relationship Wrecker

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Info - cheating, affair, bad social reputation, rude interviewer, mention of alcohol

I knew he was taken and I hated my horrible thoughts but every inch of him exuded what he wanted. I just thought he was absolutely lovely and Lily was the luckiest girl alive. Even if she had him first, I felt like she stole something from me every night she went home to him.

"Come in," I told him. He said he was too drunk to go home to Lily. I didn't know if that was true, because he seemed pretty solid on his feet.

"Your place is amazing, so you," he said looking around.

"What do you mean?" I asked, hopping on the island and handing him a strawberry he gratefully munched.

"It's light, but deep like you,"he sighed. Suddenly, he was in front of me, a smirk on his face, hands on either sides of my thighs.

"Thanks for the compliment, but why are you smirking like that?" I asked.

"I know something you don't know," he hummed.

"Yeah?" I asked, scooting forward to take him off guard.

"Um, yes, I do," he nodded, eyes flickering to my lips.

"Tell me," I breathed.

"It's just that," he darted forward and passionately cupped my face to kiss me. I kissed him back, unable to help myself as his tongue danced against mine. It was the most sensual kiss I'd ever experienced, all wild touches, deep gasps of air, and soft adoration.

"The secret is that you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he chuckled.

"Me too," I agreed, arms around his neck.

"I'm worried you're just drunk," I said.

"M'not drunk darling, I lied," he sighed.


"I want you, I want you more than anything," he said, looking earnestly into my eyes.

"Timmy," I moaned. "Take me!"

He shoved everything off the island and got over top of me. Later when he was rocking into me I couldn't help but scratch up his back.

"What will you tell Lily," I gasped.

"She is the last person I want to think of right now," he said, kissing my neck.

We kept meeting up and having secret rendezvous. I felt bad for Lily, but when he was inside me, all I cared about was us. I knew they were fighting. His excuses were lame, and he didn't really care about the facade. He told me I was his true love but the media would eat him alive if there was a break up.

"Baby, I haven't had sex with her in months," he promised. "I only have eyes for you."

"We can't go public Tim, your fans will eat me alive."

"Over my dead fucking body. I'll shield you my love, you're my darling girl and nothing will happen to you," he promised,

"Oh fine, break up with up her, let everyone know," I said and snuggled into his warm chest.

Well he did what he said. I think people were a bit suspicious of how fast we got together because there were a lot of tweets about it.

Timothée said maybe a public interview together would help people get to know us better. He'd been very touchy so far, but the interviewer looked disgusted.

"So, y/n you and Timothée just started dating correct?"

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"Would you saying you're in love?" She asked me. I smiled and looked at Timothée.

"Yeah, I would say so," I said and laid my head on his shoulder.

"In three weeks," the interviewer deadpanned and I realized my mistake.

"We fell fast," Timothée tried to cover for me.

"Very fast, I mean, it'd make more sense if you were dating before.

"Before?" I asked with a gulp.

"Like when he was with Lily. Do you think you're the reason for his break up?"

"Timothée is in charge of what he does," I said carefully.

"But he had to have a reason," the interviewer showed her gleaming white teeth. "Boredom, time restraints.... Cheating."

"What are you implying?" Timothée growled.

"Well I and the people of Twitter seem to think your little girlfriend, is a home wrecker," she tittered.

"Now wait a minute!" Timothée snapped.

"I'm gonna go," I sniffed and got up. I ran out and began to see that everywhere I was called "relationship destroyer". I was deleting every social media I could.

"Baby?" Came a weak voice. I was wrapped in his arms before I could say a word.

"They hate me, they all hate me because I'm an evil bitch!" I sobbed.

"You aren't an evil bitch," he said gently. "I'm the one who ruined a relationship. I made every first move. I know it hurt Lily, but I just couldn't resist you."

"That's not a good reason."

"I know darling, but sometimes life happens that way. I just know I love you."

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now