Regret Me

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Info - mentions of underage sex, mentions of teen pregnancy, child feeling unwanted, girl dad, self hate

"Christopher is fucking Sage in his room!" Timothée snapped.

"And? Didn't you refill his condoms last week?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Well then it's to be expected," I said.

"I don't like it, in our own house," he groused.

"In HIS room," I reminded. He waited a bit, muttering to himself. Finally, Christopher and Sage came out. She reminded me of me and Timothée, she hung off his arm and looked at my son adoringly.

"Bye baby," he said gently and kissed her goodbye. When he turned he was met with his father with crossed arms.

"Hey dad, need something?"

"You were having sexual intercourse," Timothée accused.

"You're not eighty dad, why are you talking that way?" He asked.

"Did you use protection?" He demanded.

"Of course," he said. I came up to rub Timothée's back. He was always a bit protective. When we'd had a boy first, he'd been shocked. He'd been one hundred percent convinced it'd be a girl. He was sometimes a bit awkward with Chris because he was such a girl's dad. We'd had all girls after Christopher, which I'm sure made things even worse. He loved his son very much, but Christopher was usually closer to me.

"Do you have any idea the stress an unplanned pregnancy can put on a person? Do you know how much babies cost? Do you have any idea how her life could be altered!"

"I knew it! I knew it all along!" Christopher snapped.

"What?" I asked.

"You regret me. I know I was unplanned when mom was seventeen," he said, and tears actually entered his eyes. Timothée completely deflated.

"Of course, we don't," he said, running a hand through his hair.

"Maybe mom doesn't, but you do," he said, crossing his arms. "You've never liked me as much as my sisters."

"Yes I do, I'm so sorry if I've made you feel less than them in any way. I adore you, you made me a dad. I've tried very hard to be a good one, but if you feel like this, obviously I haven't."

"Mom doesn't care about this stuff, why are you so uptight?"

"You know, you look pretty damn near exactly how I did at your age," Timothée said.

"Really?" Christopher asked and looked proud.

"Only the eyes are different, those are mine, buddy," I chuckled.

"Honestly, I think I'm projecting. It took me a long time to come to terms with getting your mother pregnant. It wasn't that I didn't want or love you, but I felt like I'd altered her life so drastically and stolen it from her. Then I got famous and I felt like I stole even more of a normal life from her."

"And I kept telling him I didn't care, this was the life I wanted," I said, kissing his cheek.

"We have resources if Sage were to get pregnant, and I forgot you told me you loved her. I just didn't want you to ever feel the way I did. I love you," Timothée said and hugged Christopher.

"If you were so scared, why did you have me?" He asked, but hugged his dad back.

"Honestly, y/n got pregnant at sixteen and we aborted. We had no money, she was still in school and so was I. It wouldn't have worked. However, then it happened again when she was seventeen, and she'd finished school early because she's a genius," he said lovingly and leaned back to kiss me.

"Ew," Christopher said.

"We were more independent, she didn't really like the idea of college and we were madly in love. She said she felt like it was a sign, especially since she found out on almost the same date," he chuckled. "I'm so glad that baby was you and we decided to go through with the pregnancy. You are more than worth all my doubts. I'm sorry I freaked out."

"It's okay dad, I get it. I'm sixteen and you're a dad, and I was fucking my girlfriend in my room. It was natural, I'm just glad we had this talk."

"We raised an awesome kid," Timothée said, ruffling his hair.

"Great parents can do that," Christopher beamed.

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