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Info - sick reader, totally whipped Timmy, emotional reader, office quotes

"Timothée!" I moaned. "Come here!"

"Tell me before I come there," he said knowingly.

"I want you to rub butter on my foot," I whimpered. I laughed then which turned into a fit of coughing.

"Look, I know quoting the office makes your heart happy," he said as he handed me his famous chicken noodle soup. "But I don't know if it makes your lungs very happy."

"I'm fine," I said, and then sneezed five times in a row.

"You are decidedly not fine," he chuckled.

"I wanna be better so I can kiss you," I pouted.

"I'll always kiss you," he smiled and kissed my forehead. "But you definitely have a fever and now I'm going to spoil you."

He was in and out with tea and toast. He held me even when I was hacking. He watched any movie I wanted. He even lowered me into a bath later. That night I snuggled against him and felt myself begin to cry.

"What's the matter Mon amour?"

"Nothing, I'm just so happy. You're amazing and I feel so content and in love. I am so thankful for you."

"Thanks baby," he sighed.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now