Babies Growing Up

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Info - queer son, happiness over coming out, being too excited, waning another kid

"Mom, dad," mine and Timothée's son Edrick came to us nervously. Our other children had rare names like he did, but he was the only one who seemed to live up to the Royal-sounding name. He was often reserved, benevolent, and picky, but brave and he stood up for what is right. He was so introspective that I was shocked when he blurted out what he did that Friday night.

"Yes?" I answered and Timmy looked up from his phone. Edrick looked anxious, his fingers fiddling around.

"I'm bi, I don't only like girls I like boys too. I know you guys have always been supportive of that, but I was still worried to tell you."

"Oh Edrick thank you!" I said and hugged him tight, and he hugged me back. "Thank you for trusting us with this. We are so happy for you!"

"Wow, Edrick, I'm not usually sappy but I kinda wanna have a huge party, thanks for telling us," Timothée was beaming.

"Actually, I have a boyfriend, his name is Jeremy. If you want to celebrate we could have him over to meet the family," he said sheepishly.

"Ahhh! Yes, I mean of course yes, I feel totally normal about this," I tried to cover my emotions.

"Mom," Edrick laughed. "I know I can be pretty closed off, it's okay if you want to feel super excited."

"Okay, yes!" I said hands shaking. "Is a banner too much?"

"Dad, please keep her sensible," Edrick chuckled.

"I don't know," Timmy said ruffling his son's hair. "I too am kind of feeling like commissioning a statue in your honor."

"Guys," he rolled his eyes. "I have a boyfriend, I didn't win the war."

"There's a war on queerness-"

"Yes mom, I've heard this many times. I just want a normal family dinner with Jeremy. I've told him how COOL you guys are, I would hate for him to experience something else," he ended with a very hinting sentence.

"Okay, okay, I'll be normal," I said, trying to calm myself.

"You'll want to tell Ariadne, Char, and Ophelia," Timothée said.

"Um they all pretty much guessed," he said sheepishly.

"Please tell me we aren't the last to know," I begged, I knew it was selfish but I was so happy for him.

"No, no way, but like I said, they all guessed so I never really needed to come out," he said. "Now, I'm going to go to my bedroom and work on homework. Please don't randomly come in and start crying."

"I'll try my best," I called after him.

"Don't worry Mon amour, you can cry and ramble to me," Timothée said pulling me to him after Edrick left.

"Thank you Timmy. He just grew up so fast, our baby bringing someone home to meet us! It's crazy," I sniffled. After a couple seconds I looked up at him, with a sultry but wet smile.

"Oh no you don't!" He said, and began to tickle me.

"What!" I laughed.

"I know that face, you said you were swamped at work, I'm NOT giving you another baby," he chuckled.

"Maybe one, just one more little sweet baby who won't grow up fast," I said emotionally.

"Come on cry baby, let's celebrate what we have, but not too much," he said and picked me up and nuzzled his nose with mine.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now