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Info - high reader and Timmy, playing in fountain, causing trouble, making a scene, dancing in traffic, reciting script

We were running through the streets of New York. It was the night before Timothée had to leave. He asked me to make him feel young and like he had no responsibilities, so we'd smoked a blunt and now we were being wild.

"In the fountain lover boy!" I crowed and we plunged in. I was singing under the pour of water. He picked me up and twirled me around. I spat a spout of water at him.

"Hey!" He said and splashed me.

"Please get out of the fountain!" Requested a guard angrily.

"Of course," I bowed and Timothée was cackling.

"Let's go," I said taking his hand, the wind would dry us. I saw a park and I jumped on a swing and he was pushing me higher and higher.

"The stars are dancing, we should be dancing," I said.

"Not here," said Timothée. We walked some more, trying to find a place to dance.

"There!" I pointed.

"That's the road," he said.

"We can entertain the cars while they're waiting for the light to change!" I said and pulled him into the street. We slow danced and didn't move fast even when the cars beeped. He dipped me so I could see an angry New Yorker cursing me out.

"What have you got next for me?" He asked, as I pulled him along again.

"Subway!" I panted. On the Subway, I initiated the scene.

"Why, should we run off together and join a pirate ship?" I asked him. His lip quirked up, but then he changed into mournful Laurie as he should.

"No, Teddy, please don't," I said morbidly.

"It's no use Jo!" He screamed and that got everyone's attention. We acted out the entire scene. There were awkward claps at the end, some knowing where it was from, others not.

We were off again. We flung ourselves into corner shops and bars giggling and ordering one thing only to fly off again. Soon we were at the top of the Empire State Building.

"I LOVE Y/N Y/L/N!" He screamed into the distance.

"I LOVE TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET!" I screamed next. Someone shouted back. "Who doesn't?" and I was giggling and then he was kissing me deeply. We made out for what felt like hours. I couldn't quite remember how we got home, but I knew even if Timothée would feel awful tomorrow, he'd be glad we had tonight.

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