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Info - being bullied, mention of prostitution, Timothée standing up for reader, Timothée being called a whore

"You've got to be joking," the new kid said. He was gorgeous. His curls were dark and his eyes were a luminous Hazel. He had a kind smile though his features were sharp. His name was Timothée and of all the school, he'd chosen to sit with me at lunch.

"No, no one ever sits with me unless it's to make fun of me," I said.

"Well, I'm going to sit with you everyday then, nice to know I have no competition as your best friend," he said with a cheesy smile.

"You want to be my friend?"

"Yeah, I've had a shit day, seems you're the only non-asshole here," he chuckled.

As the weeks went on we got closer. While waiting for the bus he'd zip me into his oversized jacket with him and hand me an AirPod so I could hear his music. We didn't have many classes together but we were always at lunch together and he'd even bring an extra dessert for me and him to share. He was so sweet. He even arranged study sessions after school for us.

"Where's your little whore that you're always with?" A girl named Patty asked cruelly.

"What are you talking about?" I sighed. I was already not excited about the day, Timothée hadn't shown up at the bus stop, meaning he was likely sick and not coming to school. Facing a day without him did not sound fun.

"That little curly haired stick figure," she chuckled.


"So he has a name?"

"I don't get the joke," I said helplessly.

"Wow you're dumb. It means he's a whore because there's no one would voluntarily spend time with you. How much do you pay him? There's no way it's in sex, no one would what THAT from you."

"Patty, can you not today, he's already not here and my day is going to suck," I said, massaging my temples.

"Awwww little loners, you and him against the world. You're no underdog, you're just too stupid and ugly to get any attention."

"Hey!" A voice screamed. Like a superhero showing up in the hour of need, Timothée was suddenly standing behind me.

"You don't fucking speak to her that way. She's worth more than you and your little group combined!"

"Oh you know fuck all," she said but backed away.

"Thanks Timmy," I beamed. "No one has ever stuck up for me before."

"Well you've got me now darling," he said, wrapping me in a hug. He pressed a light kiss to my forehead.

"Let's just bunk off the rest of the day Mon amour," he said, caressing my cheeks. I agreed, thrilling with the possibilities of what could happen.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now