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"Hello," said a tiny voice. I turned my head to see a very handsome boy with a giddy smile and curly hair. He was handsome, but I felt guilty for thinking so because he was so young. I'd been drinking with my girlfriends.

"Hello," I smiled.

"Wow," he said, running his hands through his hair. "Your smile makes my knees weak."

"What's your name?"

"Timothée," he said suavely.

"I'm y/n," I smiled.

"Absolutely lovely name," he beamed.

"Have you come over here to charm me?" I asked.

"Is it working?" He asked hopefully.

"A bit, how old are you?" I asked. He cringed, he must get the question often.

"Twenty," he said quietly. "You can't be much older."

"I'm twenty six," I said carefully.

"See, not that bad!" He tried hopefully.

"My cut off is usually twenty two," I said sadly. He looked so crestfallen I wanted to take it back immediately.

"Oh," he said. He was looking at his fingers. They were long and thin, and decked out in rings. They were very sexy.

"Just one dance, please, if you get the ick, I'll back off," he promised.

"The problem is I currently have the very opposite of the ick," I chuckled, but stood. He lit up, and I was surprised how confidently he led me to the dance floor. Though he'd approached me meekly, he knew how to handle a woman. I played with the curls at the nape of his neck, and he hummed happily.

"You seem like a man of simple pleasures," I said.

"I definitely am," he smiled, and pulled my waist closer.

"And you don't mind the age gap?"

"Not even a little, the second I saw you I knew I had to talk to you," he said eagerly.

"Hmmm," I mused. He was undeniably attractive, and seemed mature.

"We'll start slow," I instructed. He looked happy enough to break into song.

"Whatever you want," he agreed.

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now