
964 4 1

Info - biphobia/homophobia, bad parents

I came home a wreck. I was so achingly sad. How could a mother look at their child and say things like that? The same woman who would always spout the "I love you no matter what," line.

I fell into my house and just collapsed on the floor. I was sobbing too hard to stand up. Arms circled around me. Timothée pulled me into his arms. He didn't say anything, no lies of "they'll come around" or "it doesn't matter what they think." It did matter to me what they thought. Now, they fucking adored Timothée. They used to go on and on about how he wasn't traditionally masculine, now they were so thankful my life partner was male.

"As bad as you thought?" He asked after a while.

"Worse," I wailed.

"I know I'm not your parents, but I admire you and your bravery for telling them. Even if it's you and me forever, that's still a part of yourself you wanted to share. They are lucky you shared it with them as I am lucky. Don't closet yourself again, don't make excuses, be you and know I'm right here to always support you."

"Thank you Timmy, you always know what to say," I said weakly.

"Come on, this calls for ice cream, a comfort movie, and cuddles," he said, picking me up. I knew he was the only one who could make me smile after what I'd gone through.

"I love you," I said, caressing his face.

"And I you."

SFW Timothee Chalamet and Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now