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Too clear up the potion thing for the people that are confused / the ones affected by it now is Dream, Tommy, ponk and Punz: so like George when there submerged in water they are a merman but when they are dry they are normal people 😭😭😭


Dream walked over too the few, taking a deep breath... he owed one big apology.
"God.." he mumbled- how was he supposed to apologize..
"How am I supposed to apologize-"

There probably going to be furious at him... he fucked over some of the crew... he's a terrible captain for that.

Dream walked up too the ground.
"Is everyone alright..? Is anyone injured..." he sighed, looking between the two before glancing back at George- but he only saw Punz and hali fighting.... Oh so the usual.

Punz must have been thrown near the water whilst he was deep in thought about how much shit he's gonna get into.

Dream soon looked back.
"You guys alright..?" He sighed, speaking quietly.

Wilbur and Sam both glanced over at Dream, having a pissed off look- but it soon softening when they saw dream.

"Look- I'm sorry... I really am- I didn't mean for them too get involved- they just showed up and-" Dream was cut off from the two- that was quick.

"We know." Sam sighed, shaking his head.
"We knew you were just trying to get George and your family back and safe but- we are just scolding these two for there mistake by both of them jumping in front of a potion." He patted dreams shoulder.
"Go spend time with your family and get them on the ship-"

"Exactly." Wilbur glared at the two.
"Only one of them would have been fine- but they both jumped in front of it! And I don't even want to know about Punz." He took a big deep breath before glancing at Dream.
"But it's... fine- I guess.."

Tommy and ponk both were having an annoyed look.

"But I did something bad and I need to apologize- I couldn't save them-" Dream was cut off once more.

"It's okay." Sam patted dreams shoulder again.
"Go spend time with your family." He knew Dream has gone through a lot recently and needed a big break.
"Take them back too the ship- sapnaps prepared some food for you all."

Dreams smile grew..
"Thank you.." he turned and started walking towards the water- soon freezing.
"But Uh- you might not happen to have extra clothes.. right now..?"

Sam nudged his head over.
"There's a bunch of clothes in the barrels over there... puffys crew is already raiding the ship- they found your trench coat and some clothes there." He hummed, smiling softly.

"Thank you."

.: time skip: on the ship :. Dream and George POV .:.

George gladly walked into the captains quarters, quickly looking around like a kid in a toy store.
"Oh my god.." his smiled grew happily.
"I'm so happy to be back here!"

Dream soon followed in, holding hali in his arms.
"Jeez... I've never seen you so happy being here." His expression softened... he used to be afraid of this room.
"You used to be afraid of this room."

"Of course I'm happy- this is my home!" George looked around before walking towards the duvet.
"My fluffy blanket..." he flopped on it, nuzzling it softly.

"For now." Dream hummed, lightly nodding- after all.. he can go underwater now.
"-at least." He looked around.

"What... why..?" George turned, his gaze growing sorrow.
"I like this place.." he didn't want to leave it.
"It's my home.."

"Oh- Once we get to skull shore, I was expecting that to be our home." Dream looked over at George, patting hali's back as the mer slowly drifted to sleep against his chest.
"Sorry- I shouldn't have assumed."

George turned to dream, tilting his head.

"Your old home-" Dream anxiously chuckled.
"I was thinking we can carefully clean up a place on skull shore and we all can live there.. me- you.. there crew and hali." He looked down- maybe it was a bad idea mentioning the idea again.
"All the other Mer kids."

George's eyes widened as a smile grew of his face... he's always wanted that.
"I like that idea!!" He quickly perked up, laying on the fluffy duvet.
"I can make a permanent bubble in the den and  we can bring the blanket!! And have a spot for treasure!"

"Yeah." Dream walked over, carefully kicking off his shoes.
"I like that idea..." he hummed, sitting down on the bed.
"Wait- can you make a bubble that long?"

"I can make them permanent.. it takes a lot out of me to do so.. there called den bubbles- there different from the other bubbles I make- and I'm able to make it so when we swim into it that we dry off instantly... we'd still have our tail though- I don't know how to fix that problem .." George slid himself next to Dream, humming.
"Merman magic." He hummed, stretching his arms across the blonde.

"Hey- do you think I have magic now?" Dreams smirk grew.
"Since I'm a cool merman with abilities~"

"God- I hope not." George clinged onto Dream, nuzzling the side of his cheek.
"You would be very dangerous if you do have magic." He yawned, shaking his head.

Dream carefully took the trench coat off of hali, settling him down on his chest before looking over at George.
"Nah- I wouldn't think so."

George held onto Dream, his smile growing happily as they sat in silence.

"Im glad your back..." Dream ruffled George's hair, kissing the top of his head.
"I love you-" he hummed.

"I love you to- wait! Didnt- didn't you break your rib...?" George quickly perked up, looking down at dreams chest.
"Aren't you hurt.....?" He quickly got worried.
"Does this hurt?.."

"Nah I'm fine." Dream smiled, patting hali's back.
"Hali some how how heal'd me." He looked down at the mer.
"He used his tears- just like you did."

"Hali made a tear!" George quickly sat up, picking hali up.
"He made his first tear!" He held him up under his arms.

Hali whined- trying to claw George out of annoyance, he just wanted to sleep.

Dream couldn't help but wheeze, shaking his head.
"What are you doi-" he was cut off when the door open.

"Sorry- these four were crying and wanted to come in here." Tubbo walked in, hold four baby mers.
"They've been begging to go in here every night- but we were unsure to let them since your usually asleep.."

"Oh god.." Dream stared at them all...
"Uh-" his eyes widened.

They all had happy looks, doing grabby hands.

George's gasped, his smile growing.
"Bring them here! I haven't seen them in so long!!" He held his arms out.
"I missed all of them so much!!"

Tubbo gladly brought them over, placing them on the bed.
"Still weird that there so.. small-" he shivered before walking off.
"Welp- cya."

All the baby mers gladly nuzzled into Dream- cuddling into him.

"STOP-" Dream tried moving the baby mers away- but they kept trying to cuddle into Dream.
"THERES TOO MANY OF YOU-" he was fine with one- but not five.
"Your too small- I can't hold you all at the same time!"

George smiled as they all laid on dream, snuggling into him.
"Aww! They all missed you!" He chuckled, clapping his hands.
"They remember you!"

"I DIDNT MISS THEM-" Dream tried moving them away,
"Stop-" he tried moving them away but they just snuggled into dreams neck.
"Don't touch that!"

"Don't be mean.. they really do like you" george yawned, resting next to dream.
"Get some rest.." he yawned.

Dream just gave up, letting all five baby mers sleep under his neck.
"Fine.." he yawned, wrapping his arm around george.

"Goodnight dream.." george mumbled, slowly drifting to sleep..

Dream smiled- hopefully by tomorrow afternoon they will be at skull shore cove.. if not- more time to spend with george.

Total word count: 1341

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now