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I'm so sorry, I literally forgot about this story! I was focusing on my little pet.

Dream slept happily on a rock, letting his tail droop in the water.


Dream was out cold, sleeping peacefully- even if it was an uncomfortable position.. he was so very tired.

"Daddy!" Hali lightly smacked Dreams cheek.
"Daddy!" He continued lightly hitting dreams cheek.

Dream soon stirred away.
"Huh...?" He lifted his head up, glancing around.
"What..? What's going on"

Hali happily gasped, swimming in front of Dream, reaching up on the rock.
"Play!" He held his hands up, a little afraid that the same out come would happen with Punz.

Dream had a faint chuckle, yawning faintly.
"Alright hali.." he was about to stand up, but he rolled back into the water.
"FUCK- SHIT" he tried grabbing the rock but he just fell back first into the water.

Hali tilted his head as he swam after the blonde.
"Daddy?" He swayed his fluffy fin over.
(Beta fin)


Dream rolled faintly in the water, completely forgetting he was a merman for a minute.
"Jesus.."  he gripped his forehead.
"I forgot I was a fuckin fish- fuck."

"Daddy!" Hali swam up to Dream, happily cuddling into his chest.
"I happy in water! With- you!" He clinged against Dream.

Dream lightly smiled as hali cuddled into him... it made him feel- somewhat sad.
"Hali... I won't be able to be like this forever I hope you know that." He picked hali up by under his arms, smiling happily.
"We have to make these moments last."

Hali tilted his head, confused... he didn't understand what Dream was talking about.

"He doesn't need to know that right now.." George hugged Dream from behind.
"He's happy as it is." He nuzzled the blondes cheek.
"And he's with you- so he's extra happy."

"I just feel bad is all." Dream lightly chuckled, looking over at George.
"I'm human and he's mer... I cant exactly do things like this often- as if my crew found out, they would have my neck." He smiled.

"That's why we should enjoy the moment as is.." George nuzzled dreams cheek again.
"We should probably get to the surface quick... Sapnap has your clothes ready- same with mine." He hummed softly.

"Mmm.. 5 more minutes." Dream turned, swimming around George.
"I wanna enjoy this a little more-" he was in awe, he loved his family.

George smiled as he rested his hands on dreams shoulders.
"Hi." He softly giggled, nodding faintly.
"How are you."

"Good." Dream softly nodded, nuzzling George's cheek back.
"Hali- don't go swimming off." He glanced over, seeing the baby mer swim away.

Hali swam down to the ground, seeing a fish that caught his attention.

The two rolled there eyes as they watched hali harass a fish.

"You know- your very beautiful." Dream placed his hands on George's hips, leaning his forehead against the brunettes.
"You are the most beautiful person I've ever met in this world."

"I think that's from the siren side of me- without it I'd probably be ugly." George wrapped his tail around dreams, happily balancing.
"A scaly fish."

"No matter what, I think your the most beautiful person in the world.. you will always be my lover and my soulmate." Dream curled his tail faintly, happily smiling.
"Even if your part siren." He nuzzled the brunette.
"I don't care."

George lightly chuckled, looking down at them.
"We are balancing!" He gasped, his eyes widening with happiness.

Dream had a puzzled look.
"Mhm." He held George close.

"In mer culture, when two lovers balance, that means there soulmates!" George felt happy- so even though he never thought Dream was his designated soul mate- but he didn't care, he loved Dream- even if he wasn't his soul mate, he will would love Dream.
"We are soulmates!" He nuzzled into George's chest.

Dream softly smiled, he already knew they were soulmates.
"I know George- I've known that for a long time." He hugged him closely.
"Your the one for me."

While George was cuddling into dreams chest- something bit his fin- making his flinch.

"Ouch!" George looked down at his fin, seeing hali holding onto his fin.
"Wrong fin hali." He flicked his fin faintly, flicking the baby mer off.

Hali glanced up, realizing he bit George's fin.
"Sorry mama." He gripped dreams tail, biting it soon after.

"AYE- THAT DOESNT MEAN BITE MY TAIL-" Dream flicked the baby mer off his tail.
"Stop it." He chuckled faintly, shaking his head.
"Get off my fin!"

Hali rolled in the water before swimming up to the two.
"Fun" he giggled, resting himself on dreams head.
"Very happy!"

Dream rolled his eyes before looking at George.
"I should probably go talk to Sapnap about the treasu-" he was cut off by the siren.

"Already told him about it while you were asleep, he's gathering the crew up and everything on the island." George held onto Dream, purring happily.
"I can be useful."

Dream lightly wheezed, he read his mind.
"Well- we should probably get back on land and back towards the ship- so no one gets worried." He looked up at the surface.
"We have a long journey to go for that treasure."


Dream laid on the sand, having a blanket over his lower abdomen.
"So I just have to lay in the sun- until my tail goes away." He flicked the end of his tail against the sand.

"Mhm!" George buttoned up his shirt.
"I got out before you- and I dried my tail... but I don't think you can dry your tail." He pointed over, chuckling faintly.
"So your stuck sun bathing~"

"What? Why? That's not very fair" Dream perked his head up, but before George answered- he heard a small squeak.
"Oh." He looked down, seeing hali sun bathing on his tail.

Hali was laid on his stomach, his arms spread out as he laid on dreams tail.
"Ahhh." He happily smiled to himself, he was trying to copy the other two- as he thought they were sun bathing as well.

"As much as I want you to relax hali- I need to change back." Dream sat up, carefully picked up hali and placing him on the sand.
"Stay in the sand." He pat the top of Hali's head.

Hali whined, looking up at Dream.
"Lay!" He held his arms up.

"After I'm done hali." Dream lightly chuckled- but before he knew it.. his mer characteristics went away, leaving him with nothing but the amulet.
"Okay- what do I do now." He turned to the siren, having a confused gaze.

George walked over and took off the amulet.
"You just take it off." He giggled faintly, placing it next to Dream.
"Now get changed- I think people are coming."

Total word count: 1143

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat