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Dream floated on his back, still processing the hole tail thing.
"This is interesting." He used his arms to guide himself in circles.

Sapnap sat on the beach, staring at what Is supposed to be one of the most dangerous pirates on the sea.... Playing around as a merman.

George was swimming around Dream, excited at the fact his lover is a merman with him.
"Yeah... at least hali seems to enjoy it!! And so do I!" He hummed.

Hali was holding onto Dreams tail, giggling as Dream swam around.
"Yay!" He hung on faintly.

"What if I just-" Dream turned himself over, leaning forward before flicking tail out of the water and over his head, aiming towards the open ocean.

Hali basically flew over into the water, he wasn't expecting Dream to do that.
"AH-" he squeaked before making a smack noise.

Dream couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter as hali crashed into the water.
"HAHAAA" he wheezed, floating in the water faintly.

"Dream! You launched him too far!!" George held Hali's clam, looking over at where Dream launched him.
"He could have hurt himself! Don't do that!"

"He will be fine, he's like a small rock." Dream waved his scales like hand, shaking his head.
"He's indestructible."

Hali soon emerged as he whined, doggy paddling back- making a few splashes.
"Too high.." he swam up behind Dream, he didn't like how high he flew that time.

Dream glanced over his shoulder, seeing hali clutch onto his back.
"Alright hali, I won't throw you so far next time."

Hali clinged onto Dream, biting him firmly as revenge.

Dream shrugged, settling in the water with his stomach down.
"Meh." He swam around.
"Doesn't hurt as much anymore."

"Why... did you think.. it was a good idea- to become a merman." Sapnap stared at Dream, seeing the baby merman on the blondes back.
"Your- your a pirate... not... this-"

"I dunno, I can change back whenever." Dream continued swimming around in circles softly.
"Plus.. I want to see what George's life was like... and now I can be the ultimate pirate above and under the sea."

"SO YOU TURNED YOURSELF INTO A MERMAN JUST FOR THAT?!" Sapnap stared at dreams tail.. just- how was he supposed to react.
"Jesus dude... the crew would go wild if they saw you.... Especially Punz."

George laid himself on the shore, resting his tail in the water.
"We were only swimming and teaching hali to find food." He hummed.
"He needs to learn if he wants to leave one day."

Hali was using dreams back to sunbathe, he was tired.
"Mm.." he snuggled into dreams back.

George held up a clam, looking over at hali.
"I'm not very good a this hole parenting thing." He mumbled under his breath.
"But I try... I try very hard."

"I think your decent at it." Sapnap shrugged, seeing George stretch.
"Dream on the other hand..... iffy-" he didn't know how to react to Dream having a mer child... it was weird but hey- there entire ship is weird.
"He doesn't deserve a child."

Dream yawned, stretching his arms.
"God- I'm tired... swimming takes a lot out of me." He pulled himself on shore, laying down
"And fuck off.. I'm a decent parent."

"I'm very uncomfortable." Sapnap mumbled, crossing his arms.
"This is so uncomfortable to watch."

George rolled himself over to Dream side, settling next to him.
"It's not that bad." He smiled, resting his head on the sand.
"It's just a tail and fin."

Dream wrapped his arm around George's shoulders, pulling him closer.
"Nah- not really... it's not that bad." He yawned, baring his small fangs slightly.

Hali snuggled himself between Dream and George's backs- getting comfortable.
"Hungry.." he had his arms tucked under his body.

"Do you want your clam hali...?" George glanced over, seeing the small mer lightly nod.
"I have it.."
"Find a hard surface and hit the clam on it." He passed hali the clam.
"And you will be able to eat."

Hali grabbed the clam, moving himself up dreams back before grabbing the clam and started hitting it at the back of dreams head.

"OW! NOT MY HEAD" Dream grasped the back of his head, looking over his shoulder.
"What's that for?!" He snapped.

Hali continued hitting the clam on dreams head, until he faintly cracked it.
"Open!" He started biting the clam, trying to break it more open.

"OW!" Dream held the back of his head, why the fuck was hali hitting him?!
"What the hell??? I didn't do anything to be hit by a clam!!"

Hali cracked the shell open and ate what was inside.. it was just a simple clam.
"Om.." he liked clams, Alice gave them too him and his siblings.

Dream held the back of his head as he burried his face in sand.
"Oww...Fucking asshole.." he rubbed his head, trying to relief the pain.

George broke into a laugh.
"I guess he was calling you a hard head." He couldn't stop himself from laughing.
"God- you have a thick head."

Sapnap had a sigh of disappointment... why was he friends with these people.

"Little fucking shit." Dream hissed into the sand, mumbling.
"That fucking hurt a lot." He groaned, gripping his head.

Hali giggled as he ate the clam, using his small hands to scoop out the goo.

"God..." Sapnap pinched the bridge of his nose.
"And this holds by my statement how George is the better parents." He mumbled quietly.

"Shut the fuck up." Dream spat.
"I'm going for a swim."

Total word count: 1002

Total word count: 1002

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Dream and hali.

Hali has like a beta type fin, I just don't know how to draw it

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now