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George ran around happily, looking at all the butterflies flying around.. he was mesmerized.. there were pretty.

"Woah.." he glanced around, walking bare foot on the grass.
"So pretty.."

George tried reaching for a butterfly, just for it to land on his fingers.
"Oh!" He lowered his hand down- looking at the beautiful blue butterfly.

Before he said another word, it flew away.

Dream sat on a log not to far, watching George run around happily with the butterflies.
"I am so deeply in love with that man." He happily sighed, leaning into his hand.

"Yeah, we know." Sam rolled his eyes.
"You've told us this for like- the 90th time this past 10 minutes." He furrowed his brows.
"We also hear it everyday"

"Oh come on- I don't say it that much." Dream looked over at the two, frowning,

"I don't even see what you see in him." Wilbur furrowed his brows, looking over at George.
"Sure he's nice- but you and him???" He shook his head.

Dream glared at Wilbur.
"Don't." He scrunched his nose- he didn't want him saying anything bad about George.

"I'm meaning- why did he choose you? He obviously seems like he would be a prince if he lived on land.. I mean just look at him." Wilbur pointed over to George.. he seems like he would be with royalty.
"He's literally almost the hottest guy on the ship- living in luxury while on an old crusty ship."

Dream frowned, looking down at his feet.. George did deserve better then living on a ship.
"Well- I'm trying." He chuckled.

"I don't know what your talking about Wilbur" Sapnap butted in- wanting to include himself in the conversation. Okay
"I say George likes it on the ship.. all the adventure- helping out, all his friends." He sat down next to dream.
"He's Always happy"

Dream had a small smile- George is always happy, especially when there together.

"Even though you both probably are being tracked down by almost every bounty now." Sapnap looked down at a crumpled sheet.
"Which is a not so good thing," he hummed.

"Yea- wait, what." Dream quickly looked over, grabbing the sheet from his hands.
"We are being hunted?! Already?!"

Merman and pirate captain Dream wanted.

Reward of 1'000'000 golden doubloons per individual.. wanted alive and brought to manberg palace.

Last seen at manberg, heading south with his merman companion.

The merman was a small brunette with a hazel and bright blue eye.

Captain Dream, a blonde with many scars along his face- wearing a black and green trench coat.

If anyone has heard or seen these two individuals, contact the royal councillor at manberg palace.


"Fuck." Dreams eyes widened- that's not good if they know about George being a merman.
"This is not good-" he muttered quietly.

"Yeah- no shit." Wilbur took the paper from Dream, looking at it himself.
"We need to get going then... especially if you know who is after us."

"We should pack up our things- we need to start heading east.." Dream stood up, dusting himself off- looking east.
"We can stop by that town over there and get some goods." He pointed east.

"Do you want me to set up on board." Sapnap looked over at Dream- it is his job to do so anyways.

"Yes- you should go get ready to set sail.. I need to go get George." Dream looked over, seeing George sit down near the water.
"I'll be there soon" he hummed.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now