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Dream quickly crouched down next to george, cupping his cheeks.
"Are you okay- Jesus! This cut on your cheek-it seems really deep.." his eyes widened.. that much have hurt.

"I'm fine- but did hali give you my message??" George quickly hugged Dream tightly.
"I hope it worked.. it's hard trying to connect with one that isn't your own blood."

"He did.." Dream kissed George's forehead.
"I'm so sorry... I wanted to get too you as fast as I could." He held the brunette close.
"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..."

"But the potion- it hit you.. and now your a.." George looked up at Dream, his gaze softening.
"Merman.. too.." he felt guilty- it was his fault yet again.

"Yeah- I guess I am now." Dream lightly chuckled, ruffling George's hair.
"At least it will be easier to live together now- back on skull shore.." his gaze softened, his smile growing.

George had a confused look.
"But-" he was cut off by the blonde pirate.

"It's fine George." Dream picked the merman up.
"Just a little down side- it's nothing bad." He hugged George.
"I'm not mad at all.."

"YEAH IF YOUR FINE?? WHAT ABOUT US!" Punz snapped, struggling to float.
"We are stuck too!" He scrunched his nose.
"What are we supposed to do?? Can we even be counted as the crew anymore...?"

"Of course you'll always be apart of the crew." Dream looked over at them, his gaze softening.
"If I've learned, it doesn't matter who or what you are, you'll always be apart of the crew." He hummed, nodding.

Tommy and ponk looked at each other... they were speechless.. how were they supposed to react or say too any of this..

Punz sighed.
"I guess your right.." he leaned against the edge.

Dream sighed, looking over.
"Thank you for saving hali.." he had no words, he was utterly speechless... they saved his kid.

"Yeah..Thank you- even though you are now.. stuck- I'm glad you guys protected hali." George looked down at hali, seeing him play with his own tail.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've been putting you through... I feel guilty.. I'll do everything in my power to fix thi-"

"It's alright George- honestly.. I actually don't mind being a merman.. I don't really go in the water other then when I shower." Ponk rubbed the back of his head, lightly chuckling.
"But sams probably gonna be mad regardless ..."

"I'm so fucked!" He groaned, gripping his hair firmly.
"He's gonna be so madddd..."

Dreams gaze softened.. at least there not physically hurt..?
"We will meet you all at the ship- then we can thoroughly talk about this..." he soon crouched down to George.

Tommy and ponk nodded before looking a Punz.

"We will help punzy out of here." Tommy walked over, crouching next to Punz.

.: Dream and George POV :.

Dreams gaze softened, frowning.
"I'm so sorry..." he held George close, placing a kiss on his forehead.
"I missed you... so so much.. i tried to get here quick."

"Thank you.."
George leaned into dreams chest, hugging hali.
"I didn't think you'd come-" he smiled softly.

"I told you I would always come for you.. now- let's go home." Dream carried George out of the cavern- whilst Tommy and ponk helped Punz out of the water.... It was there own choice to sacrifice themselves for hali.. and he will forever be grateful for it.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now