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Punz walked across deck, holding the baby mers as they tried attacking him.
"CHILL." He looked at the four, seeing the angry looks on there faces.
"STOP! FIGHTING ME- assholes.."

As they were all about to his at Punz- a crack of lightning boomed across the sky, making them all jump and puff there fins out.. instantly cuddling into Punz chest.

Punz lightly chuckled- they look like idiots.
"Come on." He walked into the captains quarters, glancing around.
"George? Are you in here."

He looked around.. the room was- empty..? Hali's in here which means George should be in here too.

"Shit-" Punz looked around.. Dream is going to kill him.
"Dreams gonna kill me.." he muttered, shaking his head.

George peaked his head out from behind the table.
"Punz..?" He tilted his head- confused.
"Why are you In here.. this is my area and you know it"

Punz quickly looked over- seeing George.
"Oh- Dream asked me to bring the pups- or mer babies..? Whatever you call them and they seem pretty scared of the lightning." He walked over, placing them on the bed carefully.
"So I put them on the bed to hide."

They quickly hid under the blanket, hiding from the noise outside.

"It's a scary thing.." George was flinching at the sound.
"Dream went to go help on deck." He muttered quietly, looking down.
"He wanted me to hide in here"

"Yeah- he would be in here but he's arguing with some people below deck right now." Punz looked back at the door, seeing if anyone else followed him in, just in case.

"I know he probably is..." George lightly nodded, still not exactly trusting punz.
"But-Why did you get the crew to not like me..?" He frowned.. he didn't do anything wrong.
"Is it cause I attacked you..?"

"I didn't tell them not to like you" Punz sighed, frowning.
"They just all jumped to conclusions... I'm sorry- I tried helping me dreams dealing with them now." He sat down at the side of the bed, he felt bad.
"He told me to bring the mer kits or whatever over."

George lightly nodded.
"Careful sitting there." He pointed over, shaking his head.
"It's risky for you to be sitting right there."

"Why?" Punz glanced at George, puzzled.
"Why can't I sit here." He was just confused.

But before he could get a response, hali tackled into the side of Punz head, attacking him.

"OW-" Punz instantly tried taking hali off his face, tugging on him.
"OW! HALI." He tried getting the small mer off him.

"No hurt mama!" Hali swatted at Punz, trying to scratch him to pieces.
"Bad!" He bit Punz, hissing.

"He's still mad at you.." George looked behind him as the thundering storm.
"It's well deserved." He looked back.
"You did hurt him."

"Yeah.." Punz pulled hali off, placing him on the bed with the other mers.
"He's.. a strange one.." he cover hali with a blanket before he got attacked again.

Hali whined as he struggled in the blanket.. he didn't like this.

"When hali snitches on you to dream, I'm not gonna help you." George made his way over to his bed, making his way to the pups.
"I'm being quiet and not saying a word." he smiled.

Punz grumbled, trying to stand up- but nearly fell over due to the high seas shaking the boat.
"God I hate ships." He huffed, shaking his head.
"They make me sick- and so do these mer pups."

"I do too hate these ships." George sat at the end of the bed, patting the top of the blanket.
"There quite sickening..." he gaged.

"Then.. why do you stay?" Punz was confused, puzzled a little.
"I'm just curious." He mumbled.
"Why do you stay on the ship if you don't like it."

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now