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Angsty angst.

"Do you have to go." George whined, letting Hali flop around on the bed happily.
"Cant you stay..?"

"Yes George, I need to manage the ship." Dream tangled his fingers in George's hair, smiling.
"You know this"

Hali was there because he was whining to come back into Dream and George's room- so Dream decided to just bring him in.

"Okay.." George frowned, nodding.
"I'll watch hali.." he understood why Dream needed to go, he can't have him to himself all the time.

"Thanks love." Dream placed a small kiss on George's forehead.
"I'll see you later.. alright..?"

George quickly nodded.
"Can you read me that book!"

"The mer one??" Dream cocked a brow in confusion.

George shook his head.
"The kraken one!" He smiled, he liked when Dream read that book to him, it made him happy.

Dream nodded.
"Of course" he rubbed George's cheek.
"Now I must go"

George smiled happily, he couldn't wait for Dream to come back.
"Alright!" He chuckled.

"If you need me, come get me." Dream made his way towards the door, waving.
"I love you" he smiled softly.

"I love you too." George waved back, smiling happily.
"I'll see you later"

Dream made his way out of the captains quarters, closing the door behind him.

.: George and Hali POV :.

George turned to hali.
"Hi hali!" He walked over to the bed.
"How are you."

Hali happily squeaked, holding his arms up- wanting George to hold him,

George scooped hali up, his tail drooping down.
"Wanna look out the window while I tidy up..?" He smiled, rubbing his cheek softly.

Hali nodded, holding his arms up as George carried him towards the window, kneading his small hands.

George gently placed hali on the windowsill, letting him look out the window.
"Alright Hali, I'm gonna sweep." He walked over to the broom.
"Be careful."

Hali just pushed on the window, squeaking... he loved looking out the window- it made him happy.

But before George was about to grab the room- he heard the window click open- instantly making him alert.

George snapped his head over.
"Hali!" He ran over, seeing the baby kit about to fall out the window.
"I got you!"

Before hali was about to fall, George dove and grabbed him- leaning half out the window, barely keeping balance.

"Oh my god-" George had a sigh of relief- but before he could move back.
"You need to be careful hal-" The boat shifted, causing them both to fall into the open sea.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream adjusted the ropes of the barrels, making sure there tied down.
"Alright- and.. there." He adjusted his trench coat, making sure no mers were it it.
"Are the sails up against the wind." He looked up the mast, seeing Sapnap tying them down.

"Yes they are captain." Sapnap nodded, easily sliding down the rope to the deck.
"I double checked as you always ask of me."

"Good." Dream nodded, he was glad he could depend on Sapnap.
"Is Punz still cleaning below deck..?" He crossed his arms, wondering.

"Karl and Jack are both helping out below right now." Sapnap stretched his arms, pointing his hand below.
"I don't know how long they have been at it but Tommy made a mess."

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now