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My bad, I accidentally clicked the completed tab 😂😂

And George isn't god dam pregnant -_-

Days had past and they all decided to just- well- live on the island! Have a place to stay while there bounty burns out and people forget about them.

That's what dreams says any.. yet- he just wanted George to have somewhere to swim.....

And somewhere he can truly be able to be himself.

George laughed, laying on a rock not to far from dream.
"Your an idiot." He looked over at the pirate captain

Dream grumbled, standing in the water.
"HOW ARE YOU SO FAST?!" He looked at george on the rock.
"You aren't getting my necklace! I just found it!!"

He's been trying to catch George for almost 5 minutes.. but he's so fast.

George stole a necklace that he found on shore and won't give it back.

"Mm.. but I like it."
George giggled before dipping back into the water.
"It's not like Your not going to catch me" he swayed his tail back and forth- teasing Dream.

"I am going to catch your fishy ass!" Dream ran in the water, hopping over the rock easily.
"COME HERE." He lunged towards George, jumping into the water.

George quickly dodged Dream, swimming around him.
"Too slow" he smacked Dream with his tail, hitting him forward.

"ACK-" Dream fell into the water, submerging himself.

George laughed, swimming around the pirate.
"Your way to slow." He smiled, glancing over at Dream.
"At least for me."

Dream stood up, getting out of the water.
"I am going to kick your fishy fat ass." He turned around.

"Aww.. I'm Fat?" George smiled, tilting his head to the side.
"I thought the bigger the better." He teased, swaying side to side.
"That's what you said anyway."

Dream grumbled under his breath before diving for George again.
"Come here!"

George slid between dreams legs, swiping under his feet with his tail.
"Your not going to catch me." He laughed, seeing Dream fall.

"I did it once." Dream scrunched his nose, he did not like being toyed with.
"I can do it again." He slowly moved over, seeing George behind him.

George laughed, he was enjoying his time with Dream.
"This is fu-" he got cut off when he felt something firm step on his tail.

"OW!" George yelped, feeling dreams iron heeled boot step into his fin.

Dreams eyes widened, quickly backing up.
"Oh my god- I'm so sorry- here I'll take off my boots." He grabbed his boots and thew them off.

George giggled but before he tried  swimming closer to Dream, Dream held his hand out.

"Don't... don't come near me-" Dream stared at the water.
"Let me take off my boots..." his hands shook.

George grabbed dreams hand, cupping it.
"You didn't hurt me." He smiled.
"You just stepped on my tail is all"

"Yeah! But I can step on your tail again-" Dream got cut off when George lunged forward, cupping his cheeks.
"ACK-" he fell back into the water.

George giggled, landing on dreams chest.
"You are quite comfy." He cupped dreams cheeks happily.
"And hot."

Dream blinked before he broke into a wheeze, resting his hands on George hips.
"Why thank you." He smiled softly.

George nuzzled dreams cheek, repeatedly kissing him.
"I love you." He cupped dreams cheeks tightly once more.
"Very much."

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now