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George giggled, swaying around the shore.
"I am enjoying this date." He walked up too the cove, crouching down.
"Very much!.. especially the food!!"

"Mhm." Dream leaned against a tree, watching the brunette away around.
"Just Be careful- this pond is connected to the ocean." He enjoyed the brunettes happiness.
"I don't want you destroying your beautiful dress.."

"I know, it's salt water, I have too be careful ." George tapped the water, seeing faint movement.
"Aww there's fishies!" He pointed.
"Look! There bright colours!!.. I wonder if they taste good!"

"Don't, you just ate- you don't need to eat anymore- I made good." Dream walked over, sitting down next to george.
"Oh Wow, there tropical fish." He watched the bright fish swim around near George.

As George was about to speak- the fish quickly swam away, making George sad.

"Awww.. the left." George frowned, trying to reach for the fish.
"Oh?" He looked confused, watching something scare the fish around,

Dream looked in the water, confused what George was staring at.
"What Is I-" he was cut off when something jumped at him- making him yell.

"Daddy!" Hali jumped at Dream.

"AHHH- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST-" Dream quickly jumped, seeing hali flop on his lap.
"Where the fuck?!" He picked hali up.
"How did-"

"I- scented you! I followed!" Hali held his hands up.
"I found- you and mama!" He was getting better with his English.
"Unc-l- sap, let- swim!"

Dream had a sigh of relief- Christ... this fucking kid scared the Fuck out of him.

Hali reached for George, wanting to be held by George in the satchel.
"Hold..?" He whined.

George picked hali from Dream, making his way over to rock- sitting a bit further away.
"You can lay in the satchel for a little.." he placed hali in the satchel.
"There you go daring."

Hali happily gasped, snuggling into the satchel.

Dream leaned back, enjoying the two.
"Cute.. you all seem so happy.." He hummed.

As he was about to get up- he heard shuffling around them, cracking... something was there.

Dream quickly looked back, standing up.
"George-" he said firmly, glancing over at George.

George looked up, smiling.
"Yeah?" He tilted his head.
"What is it?"

"Did you hear that." Dream glared over his shoulder.
"There's movement.." he whispered.

George was about to speak- but was cut off when a wire wrapped around his neck.
"ACK-" he was yanked back, letting out a cry of pain.

Hali quickly hid, getting startled.

Dream quickly looked over- hearing the cry and the merman in danger.
"GEORGE!" He was about run over and help- but a bag was put over his head.

He choked when a wire wrapped around his throat, yanking him back- swiping him off his faint.

Dream struggled- but after a few moments.. he was knocked out cold.

it went black- and silent.

.: Dream POV :. Hours later .:.

Dream fluttered his eyes awake- feeling cold.
"Oww.. my fucking head." He opened his eyes fully.. seeing- a plain room.
"What the fuck?!"

He quickly tried pulling his arms forward- but his arms where chained back.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now