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Dream walked along the beach, hugging hali in his arms.

George stared out at the see whilst he walked.... Was he endangering everyone..? Worst of all Dream and hali...

"You alright George?" Dream hummed, continuing to walk forward.

George thought for a few moments.
"Would it be better if I return too the see... i don't feel right." he whispered quietly.

Dream quickly stopped and turned around.
"What?" He didn't sound mad, just confused.
"Why do you want to leave...?"

George continued to stare out at the ocean.
"It's the better choice I feel." He looked back at Dream with soft yet firm look.
"I feel like something bad will happen.."

Dream quickly walked over to George.
"How is it the better choice..? If it's something puffy said.. don't listen to he-" he was cut off.

"The crew already doesn't like me, and I'm endangering them more by being there." George sighed, crossing his arms like he was hugging himself.
"And that techno is only hunting us because of me... I don't want people getting hurt anymore."

Dream had a quick sorrowful look on his face.
"George..." he didn't want George to go- George didn't need too..
"What about our plan for the future..? After we find the treasure.. we settle down."

"I can give you a few vials and I'll meet you at skull shore.. I'm scared to go with you guys." George weakly smiled, looking up at Dream.... Dream looked hurt.
"We will see each other very soon."

Dream slowly shook his head whilst having a hurt look.
"Please... don't go.." he carefully grabbed George's hand.
"I want to get that treasure with you... I love you George and I want to do it together."

"Then we can be apart for a little while, I'll meet you there." George squeezed dreams hand before carefully pulling away.
"Alright...?" He smiled.

Dream shook his head, resting hali on hi shoulder before hugging George.
"Stay.. please." He held him close.

George didn't want to leave- but wouldn't it be safer.
"But I'm endangering." He was cut off.

"Your not." Dream spoke softly, rubbing George's back.
"Techno is after mostly me, I did shoot his leg and he's one to hold grudges." He just wanted George too feel less stressed.
"Don't worry.. we can push through this together."

George smiled faintly before glancing over, noticing something shimmering near a rock.
"Oh..?" He walked over.

Dream lightly smiled, until he noticed the object.. his eyes widening.
"GEORGE STOP!" He tried running after George.

As George touched it, a wire snapped around his hand- pulling him down and holding his hand to the ground.

"OW!" George quickly tried tugging away.
"OW- OW-" he tried snapped the wire.

Dream quickly took hali off his shoulder, hiding him in the inner pocket of the trench coat.
"Stay in the cloak hali!" He said firmly.

Hali stayed hidden, hiding in the pocket.

"OW OW OW-" George yelped, trying to break the iron wire.
"Dream- help! Please-" he cried out.

"Shit!." Dream quickly ran up to George, trying to get the wire off.
"Here, hold on." Whilst he pulled out his dagger to cut the wire, it was shot from his hand.

Dream quickly snapped his head over, seeing the one person he never wanted to see again.
"No.." his eyes widened... not him.
"Fuck.. how did you find us so quickly."

The man walked over, holding his flintlock up.
"It's been so long dream, I thought you died." His smirk grew.
"How are those scars.. you seem a lot more uglier then before."

Dream glared back.
"Let him go." He said firmly, standing up.
"Now techno, he isn't yours too take!"

Techno bursted out laughing.
"You.. really?..... it's a fucking fish!" He pointed his flintlock at Dream.
"Oh! This reminds me of something.."

Dream felt his stomach sink, he remembered.
"This was in the past techno... just let me take George and leave us be." He knew they were surrounded... he couldn't do anything.
"You can have the treasure.. and I can help you find the blood and tears.. just let him go"

Techno rolled his eyes.
"Quackity, Callahan- get the merman." He pointed at George with his flintlock.
"Schlatt wants him for the tank... make sure to get the blood and tears once we get back on the ship for our own needs."

Dream took off his trench coat, carefully tossing it near the water.. if this go wrong, hali can escape.
"You will not touch him." He said firmly, taking a step ahead.
"Let him go!"

Techno laughed.
"Y'know, you were a great distraction... once you and the fish distracted puffys crew.. it gave us enough time to get a row boat here and set up a trap." He glanced at George.
"That it clearly fell for."

George looked at Dream, he was going to use his song... but he was worried for Dream.. whatever, he will end up saving them.
"Be careful." He heard the waves behind him.

Dream was a good 2-3 meters from George- trying to protect him whilst he fixed the wire.

George was about to sing- until a firm object was held to his mouth.
"MHM-" he shook his head, trying to spit out the object.

A bamboo muzzle was forced into George's mouth, blocking him from biting or speaking.

A man snuck behind George and pinned him down when he was focused on Dream, tying the muzzle tightly.
"Sorry, your coming with us." He tied George's legs with a slick fabric before his arms behind his back, cutting the wire off.

Dream quickly turned, hearing George's wince.
"GEORGE!" He was about to run over- until he pulled back by his hair.

"Hold on pretty boy, your not coming with us like he is." Techno pulled dream back, shoving him onto the ground.
"I'll let my crew deal with you." He walked over.
"Your not worth my time, your still too weak clay."

George's whined, trying to get out of the restraints.

Dream stumbled back, but before he could attack techno- a man hooked there arm behind dreams neck- holding a dagger to his throat.

"Cmon." Techno nudged his head.
"Don't kill the man, just deal with him whilst I get the fish on board." He looked over at the man pinning George.
"Cmon Phil, let's go."

George thrashed around, looking over at Dream- he needed help..

"I'm taking this." Techno picked up dreams trench coat, throwing it over his shoulder.
"A nice reward."

Dream quickly thrashed.
"STOP! LET ME GO!" He tried elbowing the man off him, not caring for the dagger.

Techno has George and hali, he can't let him escape- he has to get them,

Dream grabbed the man's arm, twisting his body before throwing him over his shoulder on the sand.
"Get off me!" He kicked the dagger away.

Dream was about to run after the few- but was stop once more.

Techno was doing as much as he can to keep Dream back.
"Just knock him out Quackity." He had an unimpressed look.

And with that a man with a flintlock knocked him across the face, knocking him out cold.

Techno glanced over.
"Rough him up a little, he deserves it after falling fools for a merman." He looked over, seeing George thrash around.
"Or siren that is."

George looked at the pinked hair man, having a sympathetic look... he was scared.

"Let's getting going before anyone else notices." Techno hummed, walking away.

Total word count: 1259

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant