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Sorry for my vocabulary- it's- not the best-

For george POV's dreams basically called the 'man' since they don't know each other's names, and in dreams POVs george I known as the merman.


"Captain, where should we put the mermaid? Wilbur walked into the captain quarters with his arms behind his back trying to be polite.

"Just put him in the storage room, there should be a small tank where we keep the spare fish." Dream shrugged, he didn't care much about the mermaid and what it needed, he only needed it's blood and tears after all.

"But captain- I don't think the mermaid will fit in there.. it's way to small- plus there tail is dam-" as Wilbur tried to continue Dream quickly cut him off.

"Then we will head to manberg and get a bigger glass Case for the fuckin thing" Dream looked along the maps seeing which was the fastest route to get to manberg.

"But it's tail-" Wilbur tried speaking up but Dream waved him off.

"That's an order Wilbur, now go." Dream glared up at Wilbur through his broken mask.
"I'm busy.."

Wilbur grumbled before walking out of the captains quarters.
"Aye aye captain-." He grumbled.

Dream just scoffed.
"Whatever... now where is manberg.." he tried looking at the map.

~George POV~

George grumbled as his eyes fluttered awake.
"Mm.. ow..." he tried moving but he could not.

George's eyes widened as he tried to sit up but he could not move, he could barley move his arms.

He started to panic as he looked around, he was in a small little glass container that could barely even fit him.

"No! No no no!" George started looking around to try and get out of the glass encasing.

He tried pushing the top of it, trying to get the lid off.

But there was something holding down the glass lid.

He tried moving his tail but it was folded beneath him.
"Ow-" his tail stung.

George started to have a light whimper as he looked around, there were a bunch of barrels filled with swords , cannon balls and many other things that looks like it could kill him..

"I want to go home..." George coughed as he lightly gripped his hand around his throat.

He could barley even breath through this muck of the tank..

~Quick Dream POV~

Sapnap knocked at dreams door.

"Come in.." Dream leaned on his chair trying to get some rest.
"What is it..?"

Sapnap soon walked with his arm behind his back.

"Captain-" Sapnap yawned as he fiddled with his fingers, he could tell Dream wasn't in a good mood... even if he got a mermaid.

"Yes?" Dream sighed as he sat up straight.
"Did something happen on deck again?" He adjusted his white cracked mask.

"No sir, I just wanted to let you know the mermaid is awake-" Sapnap lightly shrugged.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now